Watering, fertilizing, overwintering and more

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Planting papyrus properly

The real papyrus can even tolerate waterlogging. Therefore, it can be planted well at the edge of the pond in shallow water. However, it is not hardy and should be brought to its winter quarters in good time. Alternatively, papyrus also thrives in a heated winter garden or can spend the summer in the garden in pots.

also read

  • How to Winterize Your Papyrus - Tips and Tricks
  • How to properly plant the papyrus - tips and tricks
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Pour and fertilize papyrus properly

During the period of growth and flowering, you should have your papyrus regularly every three to four weeks fertilize. Have the papyrus fresh in Compost soil planted, then it does not need any additional fertilizer for a while. As a swamp plant, it is very thirsty and would like to be always moist. So, water your papyrus very often or make sure it has enough water.

To keep the soil nice and moist, we recommend using a planter or saucer that is filled with water. This will prevent your papyrus from drying out. High humidity is also important for the papyrus plant to thrive. You should therefore spray indoor plants with water that is low in lime from time to time.

The papyrus in winter

Papyrus is never allowed outside overwinterThe sensitive plant does not survive that, because papyrus does not like temperatures below 15 ° C. Therefore, put the papyrus plant in a warm and bright room, such as a heated winter garden, for the winter. You can also overwinter small plants in the living room.

Can I take offshoots from the papyrus?

Many gardeners like to propagate their plants themselves, which is also possible with papyrus and not too difficult. Even beginners will succeed Multiplication due to root division without problems. You need a little skill and patience to pull off cuttings.

The essentials in brief:

  • not hardy
  • moist soil
  • Real papyrus tolerates waterlogging
  • high humidity
  • lots of light and warmth


Papyrus is very easy to care for in a moist and sunny location.