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Wrong location

A unwilling to bloom fuchsia is often found in inconvenient locations that are either too dark or too light. Fuchsias as rainforest dwellers prefer bright, but not full sun places - Only certain species and varieties feel comfortable in the blazing sun. You should also keep in mind that the roots need special protection from dehydration and heat; the more the sunnier the location is. However, if the location is too dark, the fuchsia will also react rather lazy to bloom.

also read

  • Cut fuchsia regularly
  • Why is it when the Cornelian cherry doesn't bloom?
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Incorrect fertilization and watering

However, this occurs even more frequently than a wrong location poor maintenance as the cause of fuchsias unwilling to bloom. Fuchsias need moisture, especially high levels of air humidity, and as typical rainforest dwellers are also heavy consumers. For this reason, the Plants fertilized regularly will; at best in small doses, but more often. In addition, fuchsias should not dry out, but should always be slightly damp, especially in hot periods. It also makes sense to keep the humidity high by regularly spraying the plant - if the air is too dry, the buds and flowers dry up and fall off.

Root rot / waterlogging

But be careful when watering: Although fuchsias love moisture, they - like so many other plants - do not tolerate waterlogging. This often leads to root rot due to certain moisture-loving soil bacteria and thus gradually to the death of the plant. However, you can prevent:

  • Plant your fuchsias in a loose, well drained substrate.
  • Ensure good drainage, especially with potted plants.
  • For this purpose, the plant pot should have a drainage hole for excess irrigation water
  • and also the plant substrate Clay granules O. ä. be loosened up.
  • Only water when the top layer of soil has dried off (finger test)
  • and not necessarily in the greatest heat.
  • In addition, you should not be on dry earth fertilize,
  • as this can burn the roots.


If your fuchsias unwilling to bloom make a limp impression, but there is neither a lack of water nor too much moisture, so can A pest can also be the cause: vine weevils or voles in particular like to close at the roots of planted specimens create.