Spider mites infested oleanders

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Spider mites love oleanders

In general, spider mites are not particularly picky about their food crops. However, they attack certain plants particularly frequently. One of these preferred plants is the oleander, which seems to be a real treat for the animals. An infestation can hardly be avoided, after all the arachnids are in the air and are blown everywhere with it. Are particularly at risk Oleanders overwintered warm and dry as well as specimens that are in warm and sheltered locations (for example in the sun on a house wall). Freestanding oleanders, on the other hand, are rarely infested.

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  • Gray leaves on the oleander - often an indication of spider mites
  • Oleander delights with long-lasting flowering
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Effectively prevent spider mite infestation

You can prevent spider mite infestation to a certain extent. Since the animals prefer a dry and warm climate, you only need to ensure high humidity or air conditioning. ensure a slight breeze. Admittedly should

Oleander stand protected, but on hot summer days you better move the bucket away from the house wall and leave it free. Spray the oleander regularly with the help of a spray bottle so that the foliage is moist. In winter, the oleander should not stand in a warm living room, but overwinter at around five degrees Celsius in a frost-free and bright place. Don't forget to water the plant once a week in winter.

This is how you get rid of those annoying spider mites

Specialized remedies that are available from specialist retailers can help against spider mites - or some tried and tested home remedies, the ingredients of which you are sure to have in your kitchen. With a slight infestation - and if the oleander is not yet too big - you can spray the plant vigorously with water and then put a plastic bag over it. The humidity under the bag reliably kills the spider mites. Rapeseed oil-based sprays, with which the underside of the leaves in particular, are wetted, have also proven their worth.


If you spray the oleander regularly with water and then take a close look at it Spider mite infestation at an early stage thanks to the water droplets glittering in the fine webs discover.

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