Recognize and treat diseases

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These diseases can occur:

  • Leaf tan
  • Apple scab
  • mildew
  • Fire blight

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Leaf tan

This disease is caused by a fungus whose spores spread with the wind. The fungus prefers to grow in damp and rainy weather. If a plant is sick, it will get blotchy discoloration on its leaves. An environment with high humidity favors the spread of the pathogen. Shrubs that are too close together are not adequately ventilated, so the fungus prefers to spread in compact hedges. An infection of other plants is possible through affected fall foliage.

Make sure there is sufficient spacing between the plants. Locket should be watered at the base of the trunk so that the leaves do not get wet. Strengthening the bushes with a nettle brew makes them more resilient. Weakened individuals are more often colonized by the fungal spores. You can combat leaf tanning by spraying the infected leaves with a copper sulfate remedy.

Apple scab

In months with high Rainfall there is a risk of medlars being attacked by apple scab. This fungal disease manifests itself in greenish spots. If the infestation is severe, the spots expand, which leads to the death of cell tissue in the leaf. Rain favors the spread of the disease. The fungi spread through a special form of spores that are formed asexually.

It is important to act quickly, as the fungus spreads quickly in warm temperatures in combination with high humidity. Infested leaves should be removed and burned to prevent the fungus from spreading any further. Disposal in household waste is also possible. Then spray the wood with a fungicide based on triforin.


The wrong person loves wet conditions too mildew. This fungus occasionally attacks weakened medlars in the rainy summer months. The disease can be recognized by a white coating that shows up both on the upper side of the leaf and on the underside. If the infestation is severe, there is a risk that the affected leaves will die off

Powdery mildew is dependent on high humidity. Once the air becomes drier, the fungus cannot spread any further. Remove infected leaves and give the plant a horsetail brew to support its vitality. To prevent disease, you should ensure that there is sufficient space between them when planting.

Fire blight

Dried flowers and leaves or black discoloration indicate the fire blight. This disease is caused by a bacterium that enters the plant organism through injured areas on the branches or through the flowers. The disease is mainly common in Switzerland. By shipping plants, infected plants can spread the bacterium.

This disease is notifiable even if there is only a suspicion of an infection. So far there are no treatment measures. Since it is spreading rapidly, action should be taken quickly at the first sign.