Toxic or harmless? (Wartwort)

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Find the celandine in nature

The celandine is mainly found in Europe, but since it was spread by settlers it has also been native to many locations in North America. In nature it is found primarily in locations that have a nitrogen-rich soil and are not too dry. This can be the case on stony fallow land, along the banks of water or in sparse deciduous forests. The pinnate leaves with their hairy undersides and alternating arrangement are relatively characteristically shaped, but the celandine is simpler during the Heyday to be discovered through its bright yellow flowers. When a stalk of the celandine breaks off, the yellowish colored sap appears immediately.

also read

  • The heyday of celandine
  • A short profile about celandine
  • Find the celandine in nature

Use as natural medicine

The internal use of preparations made from celandine should (if at all) only take place on medical advice, as the ingredients poisonous can work. On the other hand, the external use of the actually toxic latex is relatively harmless if it is carefully dabbed on warts for treatment. There are also various teas and tinctures on the market, please note the exact dosage and intake instructions for these.

The toxic effects of celandine

In addition to various other active ingredients are in all parts of the celandine and especially in the roots Contain alkaloids, which in extreme cases can even lead to death from circulatory failure after ingestion. These alkaloids contained in celandine can make you psychologically and physically dependent:

  • Chelidonin
  • Coptisin
  • Sanguinarin


Like many other medicinal and poisonous plants, this represents Celandine in the garden generally do not pose a major health risk if you deal with them in an informed and attentive manner. Sensitive people should wear gloves during care to protect against skin irritation.

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