Three-masted flower ∗ The 10 best care and planting tips

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Plant the three-masted flower correctly

Have you chosen a garden worthy Three-masted flower decided, we recommend spring planting. This means that the perennial has enough time for vital rooting before winter. Look out for a sunny, shady to partial shade and sheltered location with humus, slightly acidic soil. There you create a small pit that offers enough space for the root ball to develop. If you mix in some bog soil, deciduous or coniferous compost, the flower will immediately feel in good hands. Pot out the young plant to plant it in the middle to just below the first pair of leaves. Pour generously with soft water and spread a layer of mulch.

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  • Three-masted flower - unfold potential in the right location
  • Is the three-masted flower deadly poisonous?
  • Care of the three-masted flower: pruning, fertilizing, watering and Co.

Care tips

In view of the simple maintenance program, it is hardly surprising that a three-masted flower is an ideal entry-level plant. These few aspects need to be considered:

  • Water abundantly in the first two years, later reduce the watering
  • From spring to autumn, fertilize organically or liquid every 14 days
  • Cut off withered flower stems for autumn re-bloom
  • Cut back close to the ground in the bed before the first frost

Since the god's eye is only partially hardy, pile the perennial in the bed thickly with autumn leaves and coniferous twigs. Tropical species and varieties move to the warm window sill when temperatures drop below 10 degrees.
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Which location is suitable?

With regard to the ideal location conditions, three-masted garden flowers and the non-winter-hardy houseplants largely agree:

  • Sunny to partially shaded location
  • Warm and sheltered from the wind
  • Nutrient-rich, humus-rich and well-drained soil
  • The sunnier the location, the wetter the soil

Since an excess of lime impairs growth and willingness to flower, the substrate should have a slightly acidic pH of 5.5 to 6.0. The use of rhododendron or bog bed soil is therefore ideal for indoor plants.
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What soil does the plant need?

Treat your three-masted flower to fresh, moist, nutrient-rich and well-drained soil. The top priority is a slightly acidic pH value of 5.5 to 6.0, because a god's eye does not want to be bothered with lime. For the pot culture, therefore, the use of bog soil or azalea substrate, enriched with Lava granules(€ 14.00 at Amazon *) for the best water extraction.

When is the flowering time?

The three-masted garden flower with its graceful blossoms sets the scene twice a season. Look forward to cheerful splashes of color from May to July and again in September. The only requirement is to cut back the withered flower stalks down to the foliage to make room for the re-flowering. In indoor culture, the god's eye keeps its flower pile from spring to autumn without ceasing if you clean off every withered flower promptly.

Cut the three-masted flower correctly

Cultivated as a garden perennial, cut a three-masted flower twice a season. The first cut is made immediately after the summer bloom and stops above the deciduous leaves. This will result in a second bloom in autumn, at the end of which you cut the flower close to the ground. For the room culture, the specialist trade mostly offers evergreens Tradescantia for pot and Hanging basket(€ 10.99 at Amazon *) at. Cleanse the withered flowers consistently and only cut the leaves off if they take on an unsightly look.

Water three-masted flower

At a young age, three-masted flowers require significantly more irrigation water than at an advanced age. In the first two years of life, water the flower so regularly that the soil never dries out. In the further course, the water requirement is reduced, so that the substrate surface can dry out 1-2 cm deep. In principle, use soft water, because the god's eye proves to be poorly tolerant of lime.

Fertilize the three-masted flower properly

The nutritional requirement of a three-masted flower is on a medium level. Fertilize The flower in the bed from May to August every 14 days with compost and Horn shavings.(€ 32.93 at Amazon *) In the pot you pamper the floral graces every 2 weeks with a liquid fertilizer in a diluted concentration. From September to March the application of fertilizers is stopped.


Without comprehensive winter protection, the three-masted flower in the bed will not get through the cold season. After the autumn pruning, pile the perennial at least 20-30 cm high with autumn leaves or brushwood. Put the exotic beauties in the pot in good time before the first frost. A cool winter storage at 10-15 degrees Celsius is also possible, as is permanent placement on the warm window sill.

Propagate three-masted flower

Propagation from cuttings is particularly popular among hobby gardeners because it is so uncomplicated by hand:

  • Cut off several non-flowering head cuttings during the summer
  • Defoliate the lower half so that at least 1 pair of leaves remains
  • Put in groups of 6-8 specimens in pots with moist peat sand
  • Keep constantly moist in the partially shaded window seat

Within 2 to 3 weeks, the cuttings have their own root system, which can be seen from the first fresh shoot. Now repot your pupils in a substrate for adult three-masted flowers or put them outdoors.

Another common method for garden species has proven to be the division of the root ball. To do this, dig out the root ball, cut it in half and plant it in the loose, nutrient-rich, slightly acidic soil at the new location.

Is three-masted flower poisonous?

The three-masted flower is considered to be slightly poisonous. This results in careful handling of the flower, provided that children and pets could be within reach. If the hobby gardener already has a tendency to allergic reactions, we recommend wearing gloves for planting and maintenance work as a precautionary measure.
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How do I care for the three-masted flower as a houseplant?

The non-winter-hardy species and varieties would like to linger on the sunny windowsill, at temperatures between 18 and 22 degrees. Keep the slightly acidic substrate constantly moist on young specimens without letting it dry out. On the other hand, you should only water older three-masted flowers when the top 1-2 cm of the soil feel dry. Use only decalcified tap water or collected rainwater. A god's eye is fertilized in indoor culture from spring to autumn every 2 weeks with diluted liquid fertilizer. If you cut the withered stems after the first flowering to the evergreen foliage, a distinctive second bloom will appear in autumn. You can trim too long tendrils at any time, whereby an appointment in early spring is particularly recommended.
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Nice varieties

  • Concord Grape: beautiful garden variety with purple-violet flowers and blue-frosted leaves; Growth height 40-50 cm
  • Innocence: White blooming, hardy god's eye that blooms both in summer and in autumn; Growth height 40-50 cm
  • Bilberry Ice: Impresses with white flowers that are a pale blue eye adorns; well hardy and compact
  • Variegata: Pretty three-masted Rio flower with 60 cm long tendrils and white flowers for indoor culture in the traffic light
  • Zebra ampelkraut: Exotic houseplant with delicate, pink flowers and striped leaves on long tendrils;