How to store them properly

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Seeds cannot germinate indefinitely

Seeds are so small and yet so valuable: New life develops from them. That is why they are equipped with everything that is needed for a successful start. But these reserves are depleted over time and the ability to germinate decreases. Various influences at the storage location can even accelerate this process.

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Best before date

In terms of their properties, seeds are as individual as the plants that sprout from them. Some are characterized by their ability to germinate for years, while others can only be stored for one season.

The best-before date is stamped on almost every seed sachet, but this information is not mandatory. This date cannot be reliably relied on, because the storage conditions have a decisive influence on the germination capacity.

Optimal storage conditions

The species-related ability to germinate is only retained if you store the dry seeds optimally:

  • packed airtight
  • z. B. in tightly fitting glasses
  • cool, dark and dry
  • Silica gel removes moisture


If you can, keep the seeds in a vacuum-sealed bag that you put in a dark box.

Collect and store seeds yourself

Whether flowers or vegetables, almost all of them develop plenty of seeds at the end of the season. Collecting is a bit of work, but the seeds are free. But seeds that come from your own garden must meet certain requirements so that storage is worthwhile:

  • they must come from true-seed plants
  • the seeds must be ripe
  • also of pulp or Plant residues freed
  • Seeds must first dry before storage
  • moist seeds can go moldy

Label the seed container

Keep the seeds in their original packaging so that you can identify them clearly at any time. Once you have collected the seeds yourself, label the storage containers with the plant name and date accordingly. The note on the species-specific germination time is also helpful.

Test germination

Even the best storage conditions are no guarantee that new plants will emerge from the seeds. Since the seed's ability to germinate cannot usually be seen, a small test helps. For this purpose, a few seeds are sprinkled on damp kitchen paper and the result is examined after a few days. If only part of the seeds have sprouted, new seeds need to be bought or sown more densely.

The garden journal freshness-ABC

How can fruit & vegetables be stored correctly so that they stay fresh as long as possible?

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