You should be aware of this

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Use fresh seeds only

the Seeds of wild garlic can only germinate for a maximum of six months, even under optimal storage conditions, so you should use the sowing only use fresh seeds as possible. When sowing, you should also note that wild garlic can sometimes take a long time to germinate. Since it is a cold sprout, the seeds should be worked into the soil either in summer or autumn, but no later than mid-February. Since plants sometimes only develop from them in the second year, patience is required when caring for them. When it comes to wild garlic, it makes little sense to prefer it in bowls, as this usually means that even soil moisture cannot be guaranteed over a long period of time. This should also be taken into account when sowing outdoors and an already weed-free place in the shade should be selected.

also read

  • Planting wild garlic in your own garden: the most important things at a glance
  • Grow wild garlic yourself in the garden
  • Propagate wild garlic yourself in the garden

Choosing the right location

In sunny, dry and very sandy locations it is almost impossible to succeed Plant wild garlic. If, on the other hand, the site conditions suit the needs of this forest plant well, wild garlic will spread to dense stands within a few years. A place under deciduous trees and bushes is ideal, as there is continuous soil moisture and shade. In addition, almost no other plants grow under these conditions, so that competition for nutrients and light is negligible. Since it is possible to control the population in your own garden, the wild garlic deposits must be less acute with the if they are kept clean confusion with poisonous doppelgangers can be calculated as the following:

  • lily of the valley
  • Poisonous Aaron's staff
  • Autumn crocus

Enable self-sowing

For sowing wild garlic, you can also collect the withered inflorescences on wild wild garlic stocks and rake them into the ground at the planned location in your own garden. In the first two years of standing, you should only have a few leaves from the first wild garlic plants to harvestso that these can continue on the underground onions and self-sowing without human intervention multiply can.

Tips & Tricks

Sowing wild garlic sometimes requires a lot of patience. It can be done faster Planting a larger stock of wild garlic in garden with wild garlic bulbs or with grown plants from specialist gardeners.