How to contain growth

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Thinning out the water lilies again and again

Under favorable living conditions, water lilies spread so much that their leaves can cover the entire surface of a pond. There is hardly any space left for other aquatic plants. For their sake too, you need to be a part of the Remove water lilies.

also read

  • Water lilies are attractive to pests
  • Removing roots of water lilies - this is how you get rid of them
  • Removing water lilies - this is how you get rid of them

An experienced pond owner won't let it get that far, because cutting the water lilies is part of his routine Care.

  • Water lilies min. cut back annually
  • in the period from April to August
  • Plant basket(€ 17.17 at Amazon *) out to cut back roots as well
  • Cut specimens rooted in the pond floor with pond scissors

Fish out leaves

If the water lily leaves are so numerous on the water surface that they may even overlap, you can fish out some of them. To avoid having to get into the pond, a rake with a long handle will help. You can use a landing net to pull out torn leaves that are still floating around in the water. This measure is a temporary solution because the plants will sprout again.

Also remove roots

If the pruning has been neglected for a long time, then the water lilies have certainly multiplied strongly under water. You can only zoom out if you also have a large portion of the Remove roots. Since water lily roots can be very firmly attached to the substrate, this work is not always easy.

The easiest way to remove the rhizomes is in a small pond, because you can climb into it and the roots are easily accessible at a clear depth. However, if it is covered with foil, you must proceed in such a way that it is not damaged in the process. Whether you have one spade, one saw or just use a sharp knife, you have to decide on site depending on the situation.


Remove any cut rhizomes from the water so that they do not sprout again and thus contribute to re-spread.