Rosemary »Detect & control pests

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Rosemary has lice - woolly lice and aphids

Plant lice are considered the ultimate nuisance. Rosemary is mainly made from Leaf aphids, as well as mealybugs and mealybugs infested.

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Aphids sit on the underside of the leaf, where they suck in juice and excrete what they cannot use as a sticky mass. New shoots and leaves can be damaged, crippling the infected plants. Aphid infestation is often accompanied by sooty mold, as this fungus lives on the honeydew excreted by aphids.

Mealybugs and mealybugs

An infestation with scale insects, woolly lice or mealybugs is shown by weakened plant growth and a crust made up of innumerable labels on the wood. These lice also suck the sap and excrete a sticky mass that is preferred to be colonized by the sooty fungus. You can recognize the fungal attack by a smeary, black coating on leaves and stems. Organic control can be achieved with the help of

Soft soap(€ 38.88 at Amazon *) done, with which the infected areas are washed off.

Rosemary infested with mites - thrips and spider mites

An infestation with Spider mites shows through small, whitish spots on the leaves. The leaves often turn lead-gray to bronze-colored. The mites themselves are very small, reddish colored animals. Mites love dry air, which is why they are usually easy to deal with with a greatly increased humidity. Also thrips, often rather than Thunderstorm animals known, occur especially when it is too dry.

White flies on rosemary

The tiny white flies usually show up as white spots that appear on the underside of the leaves. In addition, the leaves become blotchy and turn yellow. Like the plant lice, it also secretes Whitefly a sugary secretion that promotes colonization with the sooty fungus. It occurs more frequently in warm, humid summers. Infested leaves should be removed immediately. Then the whole plant is treated with a soft soap solution.

Tips & Tricks

Pests can also be combated biologically effectively through the use of beneficial insects. Sit down Predatory mites against spider mites, Parasitic wasps(€ 69.90 at Amazon *) against whiteflies, lacewings against aphids and thrips and ladybirds against aphids, mealybugs and mealybugs.