This is how you stem their growth

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Determine the maximum scope of growth

When cultivating the waterweed, whether in the Aquarium or one pond, there must be a growth limit that this plant shouldn't exceed. Then other plants are shaded by it and displaced from the place.

also read

  • Planting waterweed - this is how it's done!
  • Waterweed in the pond - this is how it develops splendidly!
  • Waterweed in the aquarium - a worthwhile plant

You can determine individually how far your waterweed can spread. For example, it depends on the size of the pond or of the aquarium and which other plants grow in it.

In any case, do not fail to cut the waterweed in good time. If the plant has already spread a lot in a large pond, it can no longer be so easy fight.

Remove, thin out and shorten

Whenever the waterweed has grown more abundantly than you would like, its volume must be reduced. There are several possibilities and can be carried out individually or in combination.

  • complete plants including root remove from the water
  • Thin out excess shoots
  • shorten remaining shoots if necessary

In the aquarium, these measures can be carried out regardless of the season, while the growing season is ideal outside. Proceed carefully so that parts of the plant do not break off and fall into the water. After a short time, new plants will develop from it, which is counterproductive.

Use sharp plant scissors

Only use sharp scissors for any cutbacks because they will leave clean, smooth cuts that can heal well. If, on the other hand, a shoot is cut off by hand, it often does not drive out as desired.

Animal and vegetable support

Herbivorous fish such as the rudd like waterweed as food and thus slow down their spread. Even planting the waterweed together with the water plant hornwort slows down their urge to grow because both are nutrient competitors. With these two measures, you can yourself the care make it easier because they reduce the number or Reduce the amount of necessary cutbacks.