Why do they need frost?

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Hyacinth bulbs are hardy

Hyacinths can stay in the flowerbed all year round. Even in severe frosts, the tubers will not freeze off. So you don't need one Winter protection.

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  • Hibernate hyacinths properly
  • Maintain hyacinth in the house and garden for several years
  • Maintain hyacinths in the garden

No bloom without a cold phase

Frost is for them hyacinth not only harmless, without the cold the tubers will not sprout in the following spring.

Garden experts call this process “stratifying”. It prevents the bulbs from sprouting in autumn and the above-ground parts of the plant from freezing to death in winter. The stratification only sprouts when the ambient temperature rises again and there is no longer any danger for the leaves and flowers.

Outdoor hyacinths do not need to be stratified

You don't need to do anything in the garden bed to stratify the bulbs. This happens automatically due to the sub-zero temperatures during winter.

However, very mild winters can be a problem. If hyacinths don't come back, it may be because the tubers haven't got enough cold.

Simulate cold spells

If you Hyacinths in the pot If you want to keep them for several years, you cannot avoid giving the tubers a cold spell.

You can simulate the cold by placing the pot with the hyacinth bulb in the vegetable compartment of your refrigerator and leaving it there for several weeks.

Another possibility is to expose the pots to the cold several times for several days on the balcony or terrace.

Hyacinths grown indoors cannot tolerate frost

After the frost period, the first green tips appear. Now the hyacinths will continue to sprout in cool temperatures if you use them

  • Set up bright
  • Pour carefully
  • Get used to warmer temperatures slowly

Hyacinths that are grown indoors and are showing the first blossoms are no longer allowed to be put outside on cold days, let alone plant out. They can no longer tolerate frost.


Tubers that you buy in specialist shops are already pretreated. You don't have to stratify them, you can plant them right away.