When, with what and how much?

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In general, the garden hibiscus has the same nutritional requirements as plants in pot culture. The flowering perennials enjoy regular fertilization between March and October. In the garden put compost or Slow release fertilizer an ideal alternative to liquid fertilizer, because it is administered once in spring or directly when planting. Potted plants are grateful for a weekly supply of a mineral fertilizer, since organic materials are not sufficiently decomposed. Fertilizer stick(€ 9.82 at Amazon *) reduce the maintenance effort.

also read

  • Properly transplant garden hibiscus
  • All-rounder hibiscus - common types and varieties
  • Is the hibiscus poisonous?

Choose suitable fertilizer

Hibiscus values ​​a balanced mixture of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Hibiscus in the garden Compost gets all the nutrients it needs for healthy growth. To support the vitality of potted plants, you should use a mineral fertilizer with an adapted nutrient ratio.

How to apply the fertilizer:

  • when repotting or planting 100 to 150 grams of solid
    Flower fertilizer(€ 71.80 at Amazon *) work in per square meter of soil
  • Soak the substrate so that the granules dissolve
  • After one to two months, supply potted plants weekly with liquid fertilizer according to the manufacturer's instructions
  • Next spring give each garden hibiscus 80 to 120 g / m² fertilizer


Indoor and garden hibicus also enjoy regular watering with plant liquors. These strengthen the bushes and prevent pest infestation.

Promote flowering

For potted plants, an NPK fertilizer with a ratio of 7: 6: 5 is suitable. There are special products that are excellent as hibiscus fertilizers. You can use any regular fertilizer for flowering plants. An additional gift of Rock flour(€ 12.33 at Amazon *) supplies the perennials with silica, manganese, iron and molybdenum.

Support winter hardiness

From late summer onwards, you should provide your room hibiscus with a potassium fertilizer (NPK 4: 2: 7). This allows the wood to mature and the plant does not develop new shoots, which makes it easier for it to get through the winter. The Hibiscus syriacus planted in the garden also benefits from this adapted fertilization. Patentkali is a good addition to hedge plants because it provides potassium and magnesium.