Sterilize potting soil in the microwave

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The potting soil is alive

Microorganisms and soil organisms are usually important to a good soil, but only if it is used outside in the garden. Here are worms Mosquito larvae and Co. are desirable, because they feed on dead plant parts and excrete important nutrients with their excrement that can be used by the plants.
There is not enough space in the flower pot or small planter for a large number of soil organisms. They cannot or only poorly eat themselves. So they start to eat the roots of the potted plants. The plants die after a short time.
In the living area it is therefore an advantage to have a sterile Potting soil to use. This has the advantage that there are no more pests.

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  • Why should potting soil be disinfected?
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Sterilize potting soil yourself

Before you pay a lot of money for aseptic potting soil at the garden center, you can do a little more work and sterilize your potting soil yourself. This process requires heat, which kills mites, larvae, bacteria and fungi.

The oven or the microwave are best suited for sterilization.

Sterilize in the microwave

The microwave is particularly suitable for small portions of potting soil. It reaches the necessary heat and works quickly.

  1. You first need a flat container that is suitable for the microwave.
  2. Put in the soil to be treated.
  3. Moisten the earth. Take a little soil in your hand and compress it. No water should leak out.
  4. Switch the device to the highest level.
  5. Heat the earth for about 5 to 10 minutes.
  6. Turn the earth halfway through.
  7. Let the soil cool down well before continuing to use it.

Since temperatures over 100 degrees are generated in the microwave at the highest level, you can be sure that mold, bacteria, larvae and worms have been killed. If you do not use the sterilized soil immediately, store it in an airtight container to prevent new soil organisms from entering.

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