The tastiest types at a glance

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Pillar plums can grow to be surprisingly large

While in specialist shops under the generic term Column fruit the most diverse types of fruit with columnar growth are sold, the various fruit trees differ in their Growth characteristics and Care needs but pretty clear. So can appropriately bred Columnar peaches or columnar apples with the necessary ones Cutbacks are cultivated as "dwarf trees", but columnar plums can reach heights of more than 300 cm. The columnar shapes under the plums not only form a narrow trunk, but can also be around 100 cm wide. You can of course correct the growth habit regularly with appropriate pruning measures, but this sometimes reduces the potential Yield. It is advisable not to fall for the photo montages of some tree nurseries with their pictures of columnar mini plum trees in pots with an almost unbelievably dense crop of fruit. In general, plums are made for fruit trellises and sunny locations More suitable in the garden than for potting on a windy balcony.

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  • Plum or plum? - Small, subtle differences
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Choosing the right plum variety

There are now numerous at the corresponding specialist companies Plum varieties available with columnar growth, particularly popular varieties are:

  • Prunus domestica 'Top Col'
  • Prunus domestica 'Anja'
  • Prunus domestica 'Fruca'
  • Prunus domestica 'Pruntop'
  • Prunus domestica 'Top'
  • Prunus domestica 'Imperial'
  • Prunus domestica 'Maja'
  • Prunus domestica 'Ruth'
  • Prunus domestica 'Hermann'
  • Prunus domestica 'Black Amber'

Plum trees prefer a location that is as sunny as possible with well drained, humus soil. When choosing a variety for your own garden, it is not least of all a question of your own expectations Fruit yield: The different varieties differ in their fruit size and color, but also in the exact size Ripening time. A distinction is made between early, medium-early and late varieties.

The column plum Imperial

The columnar plum variety Prunus domestica 'Imperial' is characterized by relatively fast growth and stone-dissolving fruits with medium-firm flesh. If the flowers of this columnar plum, which grows to a height of around 250 to 300 cm, are not affected by late frosts If affected, the fruits of this self-fruiting variety are ready for consumption in August and September.


Even with actually self-fruiting types of fruit, it can have a positive effect on the yield if trees of the same or a similar type of fruit are planted in the immediate vicinity.

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