With what, when and how?

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The amounts of nutrients withdrawn from the soil by the cherry trees are only partially returned to the soil through natural rotting processes. In order to promote long-term growth and yield performance of the cherry trees, the gardener must supply the nutrients again through fertilization. These are the four core nutrients: nitrogen, potash, phosphorus and lime. The lack of some of these nutrients leads to deficiency symptoms.

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If there is a lack of nitrogen, the growth in length decreases, the leaves remain small and take yellowish green color at. Constant excess of nitrogen leads to a predominance of shoot growth and a decrease in flower bud formation. Potassium deficiency mainly results in insufficient resistance to disease and frost. A lack of phosphorus is noticeable in the delayed fruit formation. Through lime becomes

heavy soil looser, while light soil is improved in its water balance.

Organic fertilizer

Organic fertilizer is understood to mean the rotted remains of plants and animal excretions. From all kinds of vegetable waste, which is collected on a compost heap, an intensive soil life arises through decomposition and the waste is transformed into humus. As animal excretions, cow or cow excretions can be found in the garden Horse manure Use.

Mineral fertilizers

The mineral fertilizers are naturally occurring or industrially produced salts that contain one or more plant nutrients. The so-called full or Mixed fertilizers that contain several core nutrients and important trace elements in a ratio that is favorable for the plants.

Time and implementation of fertilization

Organic fertilizer should be at the end of the Winter on the Tree grate not be incorporated too deeply. With the mineral fertilizers, proceed as follows:

  • nitrogenous fertilizer is given in March / April to promote shoot growth and around the beginning of June to promote flower bud formation,
  • Potash and phosphorus-containing fertilizers are applied in winter (November to February),
  • after strong Yield should the cherry tree with Complete fertilizer are supplied.

Tips & Tricks

The ground under the cherry trees can also be accessed through the Green manure to enhance. Certain annual plants are sown on the tree disc at the end of summer and their remains are worked into the soil in the next spring.