How to move the mother-of-pearl bush

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If possible, transplant at a young age

With each year of life, transplanting shrubs becomes more difficult. In the case of an old, large Kolkwitzie, the project can even fail. Only if the plant has not been in the garden for more than a year can it be transplanted without worries.

also read

  • Kolkwitzia - Why doesn't it bloom as expected?
  • Good news! The Kolkwitzia needs minimal maintenance!
  • Kolkwitzia - is the mother-of-pearl bush poisonous?


When transplanting a young Kolkwitzia, keep in mind that the shrub will spread its branches voluminously over time and accordingly need plenty of space. Replanting at a later point in time may no longer be coped with so well.

Only during the rest period!

The success of the transplanting campaign depends on choosing the right time. This lake should fall when the shrub is dormant, as this is when the Kolkwitzia is least stressed.

  • Early autumn and late spring are ideal
  • Soil shouldn't be soggy or frozen

Cut back beforehand

A replanted shrub should not be primarily concerned with the supply of above-ground parts of the plant. Shorten all shoots back so that the saved energy goes into the root formation. If you do the shortening in the old location, the excavation will be easier.

Dig up the bush

  1. Dig with one spade or one Digging fork dig a trench around the root area. Keep a sufficient distance from the trunk. The trench should be as deep as the roots reach into the earth.
  2. Carefully loosen the root ball.
  3. Use a spade to lift the shrub out with as much soil as possible. If you have a large shrub, you should do this step with the help of another person.

If the Kolkwitzia is very large, the easiest way to get it out of the ground is with a mini excavator.

Transplant quickly

Plant the shrub without much delay so that its roots do not dry out and be damaged. Ideally, you have already dug the new planting hole. It should be approx. Be 15 cm wider than the circumference of the root ball. If the Kolkwitzia is being moved to a new location, wrap the roots in burlap.

First care when transplanting

Mix that Excavation with some compost if the new soil is very poor, otherwise not. Because the Kolkwitzia does not bloom lush if it is oversupplied in this regard. Also, don't forget to water the freshly transplanted mother-of-pearl bush thoroughly.