From location to plant neighbors

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When do you plant?

Cornflowers that are grown in the house or bought at a garden center are planted around mid-May. Wait until after the ice saints, because only then will there be no more night frosts.

also read

  • Sowing cornflowers - it's easy with our tips
  • Drying cornflowers - this is how you preserve the blue beauties
  • Which location does the cornflower prefer?

The perfect location

Give the Cornflower a sunny, sheltered spot in the flowerbed. Even in partially shaded areas Locations it thrives well.

The right substrate

Cornflowers are quite undemanding. Conventional garden soil, which you can use with a little compost and Horn shavings(€ 32.93 at Amazon *) enrich the garden beauty very much.

Plant spacing

Depending on the variety, keep a planting distance of 30 to 45 centimeters. The distance at which you are allowed to sit is usually noted on the seed bag or the plant label. A particularly beautiful picture emerges if you plant three to five cornflowers together.


The heyday The cornflower begins in June and extends, if the plant is cleaned regularly, until well into October.

Sowing and growing

Cornflower seeds drift willingly so that sowing and growing the plant indoors is effortless.

  • Seeds in potty with Potting soil sprinkle and cover with a thin layer of substrate.
  • Moisten with a sprayer and cover with a hood or a clear plastic bag.
  • Place in a warm, bright but not full sun place.
  • As soon as the second pair of leaves shows up, separate them.

Sow outdoors

Cornflowers are also very easy to sow in the garden. Depending on the location, you can put the seeds in the ground as early as mid-April or early May.

Decorative neighbors

The cornflower looks particularly attractive in combination with red poppy seeds, white daisies or white yarrow.


Dried cornflowers do very well in dry arrangements. Be sure to dry the flowers in a dark place. Shining in the sun during the drying process, these discolor and then appear yellowish white.