Ingredients, areas of application, application and more

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the essentials in brief

  • Blue fertilizer is a mineral one Complete fertilizer from industrial production with a high proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
  • Blue fertilizer is suitable for lawns and for plants with a high need for nutrients, such as perennials, shrubs, conifers, fruit trees and vegetables.
  • It makes sense to use blue fertilizer from March to September as a short-term growth engine when plants suffer from acute nutrient deficiencies and organic natural fertilizers work too slowly.

What is blue manure?

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Blue fertilizer is a chemical fertilizer

Blue fertilizer is a fast-acting, mineral artificial fertilizer from industrial production. In 1927, BASF launched the first synthetic complete fertilizer under the name Nitrophoska, which was primarily used in agriculture and horticulture. Since then, the composition and ingredients have been fine-tuned. The modern results are products with different recipes, tailored to the end user. Compo Blaukorn NovaTec is one of the most popular complete fertilizers for the hobby garden as NPK fertilizer 14 + 7 + 17 (+2) with this composition in detail:

  • 14% nitrogen (N)
  • 7% phosphorus (P)
  • 17% potassium (K)
  • 2% magnesium (MgO)
  • as well as trace elements

also read

  • Does lime remove the moss in the lawn? - Tips for use
  • Plant manure: recipe and tips for use
  • Lava granulate - tips & tricks on purchasing sources and application

Two criteria qualify this blue fertilizer as a suitable artificial fertilizer for the hobby garden: A special nitrifaction inhibitor slows down a too rapid conversion of nitrogen into nitrate and thus extends the duration of NovaTec's effectiveness to four to ten Weeks. Furthermore - compared to blue fertilizer for agriculture - the phosphate content is greatly reduced because the soil in most allotment gardens already contains plenty of phosphate.

Blue fertilizer benefits

  • quick result
  • Low in chloride and therefore suitable for plants that are sensitive to salt
  • precise nutrient information on the packaging and therefore easy to dose
  • Fertilizer does not have to be incorporated
  • available as fertilizer granules and liquid fertilizer

Blue fertilizer disadvantages

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Due to its disadvantages, blue fertilizer should only be used for specific reasons

  • no build-up of humus
  • no vitalization and promotion of soil life
  • pollutes groundwater, seas (algae bloom), rivers (fish deaths), lakes (overturned inland waters)
  • Species extinction as a result of creeping Nitrate inputs in the ground
  • Risk of overdosing and over-fertilization
  • must be rained in to avoid leaf burns

In view of these advantages and disadvantages, there are two main reasons for resorting to the mineral blue fertilizer: 1. Plants suffer from growth depression and marked deficiency symptoms that call for immediate growth help. 2. One Soil analysis shows significant nutrient deficiencies that cannot be remedied by natural, organic soil additives such as Compost soil.

The following video explains in a practical way how to use blue fertilizer correctly with important information on advantages and disadvantages.


For which plants is blue fertilizer good?

Blue fertilizer remedies acute nutrient deficiencies in numerous ornamental and useful plants. Primarily, heavily to medium-consuming plants benefit from the immediate growth spurt of the artificial fertilizer. For wild perennials and other weakly consuming plants with a weakness for poor framework conditions, however, the chemical turbo fertilizer is not recommended. The following table gives an overview of which plants in the hobby garden blue fertilizer is suitable, unsuitable or harmful:

Perennials flower Woods vegetables fruit no blue fertilizer for
Geraniums Tulips rhododendron Cabbage Berry bushes Orchids
delphinium Daffodils Roses potatoes Fruit trees Wild perennials
phlox Imperial crowns Cherry laurel hedge tomatoes Strawberries Ornamental grasses
thimble Summer flowers Conifers Beans rhubarb Hydrangeas

In what quantity you the plants with blue grain fertilizedepends on the composition of the product and the specific nutritional requirements. For this purpose, please consult the manufacturer's information on the packaging.

Special case: blue fertilizer for lawns

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Heavily used lawns appreciate blue fertilizers

Ornamental and noble grasses are actually among the poorly eating plants that are unsuitable for the administration of blue fertilizers. If, on the other hand, the noble grasses gather to form a dense lawn carpet, this is the result Monoculture increased nutritional needs. First and foremost on heavily used play and sports lawns, fast-acting blue grain is useful as a starter fertilizer in spring and gets growth going.

The joy of green lawns does not last long because the growth spurt from blue fertilizer quickly fizzles out. Simply re-fertilizing with the blue balls carries the great risk of over-fertilization with fatal lawn damage. An organic one Lawn fertilizer continues the blue grain instant effect with a natural long-term effect. As soon as the green area has completely absorbed the mineral fertilizer, clever hobby gardeners apply 50 to 60 grams per square meter of lawn Horn shavings(€ 32.93 at Amazon *) or an organic lawn fertilizer with an organic certificate. Blue fertilizer gradually runs out of breath after four weeks organic fertilizer caught up with the lead and stepped into the breach with natural nutrients. The result is a velvety green lawn cushion over a humus soil full of soil life.


Blue fertilizer is poisonous

The improper use of blue fertilizer is harmful to human and animal health. Direct skin contact triggers allergic reactions up to blistering and chemical burns. If larger amounts of blue grain dust are inhaled, there is a risk of shortness of breath, pulmonary edema and even pneumonia (pneumonia). Intentional or unintentional ingestion leads to nausea, vomiting, cramps and circulatory failure. If even the smallest particles of the blue granulate get into the eyes, the eyeball is rinsed with clear water for several minutes with the eyelid raised. Because blue fertilizer is so toxic, hobby gardeners should always exercise particular caution when handling and strictly adhere to the manufacturer's recommended safety precautions.

When should you fertilize with blue fertilizer?

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Blue fertilizer can be used from the beginning of spring to the end of summer

The time window for using blue manure is open during the growing season from March to September. At this stage, there is the best chance that most of the nutrients will actually be absorbed by the plants. Outside of the growing season, the ingredients of blue grain come to nothing, because neither soil organisms nor soil benefit from the artificial fertilizer.

Weather conditions also play an important role in deciding when to apply blue fertilizer. The sky should be cloudy and the weather should be rainy. Under these conditions, you avoid the risk that the plant leaves will suffer massive burns under solar radiation because the blue fertilizer grains remain on them.


To the question: "Blue manure or horn shavings?", There is only one answer for nature-oriented hobby gardeners. Those who want to harvest organic vegetables nurture weak-growing plants with an organic nitrogen-rich fertilizer. Horn shavings are made from rasped horns from slaughtered cattle and therefore contain up to 14% nitrogen. The organic single-nutrient fertilizer is non-toxic, environmentally friendly, good for soil life and promotes the growth of vegetables for carefree, healthy enjoyment.

Using blue fertilizer correctly - tips for hobby gardeners

Acute nutrient deficiency is the most common reason why concerned hobby gardeners prescribe blue fertilizer for their plants or the lawn as an immediate aid. In order for the advantages of the mineral artificial fertilizer to develop optimally and the disadvantages to remain within acceptable limits, important aspects must be taken into account when using it. How to use blue fertilizer knowledgeably bring the following tips to the point:

  • time: overcast, rainy weather between March and September
  • Protective measures: Gloves, protective goggles, long-sleeved clothing, ideally a respirator
  • dosage: dose sparingly according to the manufacturer's instructions
  • Fertilize plants: Distribute blue fertilizer by hand directly on the root disc, do not sprinkle on the leaves
  • Fertilize the lawn: Blue fertilizer in Gritter fill, pace the lawn in lanes without overlapping

It is important to note that you always pour blue fertilizer with a watering can, Water hose or Lawn sprinkler. The longer blue grain remains on a plant surface, the greater the risk of burns on leaves and blades of grass.

frequently asked Questions

Is blue fertilizer suitable for hydrangeas?

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Despite their similar color, blue fertilizers and Hydrangeas not so good

Although hydrangeas have a high need for nutrients, mineral fertilizers are not recommended for the beauties of the flowers. Hydrangeas want slightly acidic soil with a pH of 5. Blue fertilizer with a concentrated load of phosphorus increases the pH value, which hydrangeas acknowledge with poor growth and pronounced blooming rottenness. Furthermore, a high dose of phosphorus on blue hydrangeas will fade the color. The better nutrient supply for pompous flowers and bright blue is a Special hydrangea fertilizer.

Is there a difference between blue grain and blue fertilizer?

No, there is no difference between blue grain and blue fertilizer. Both terms refer to the mineral compound fertilizer with the blue spheres, which can be bought in different compositions in stores. The usual trade name for the artificial fertilizer is blue grain. The product name blue fertilizer is rarely used.

Dog poisoned by blue manure. What to do?

Typical symptoms of blue manure poisoning are increased salivation, vomiting, cramps and shortness of breath. Sometimes your dog's lips and tongue are still discolored blue. Secure and calm your tormented four-legged friend, but without putting on a mouth loop. If your darling vomited or passed out, lay your body in a stable position on your side and make sure to keep your airways free. Do not induce vomiting under any circumstances. Immediately after these measures, you do not lose any valuable time, but go to a veterinarian.

Can you dissolve blue fertilizer in water?

You can dissolve blue fertilizer grains in water and use it as a liquid fertilizer. Please pay special attention to the dosage. Just 2 to 3 grams of the blue granules are enough for 5 liters of water. Let the solution stand overnight so that the granules dissolve completely. After use, wash the watering can thoroughly to remove toxic residues from the bottom of the can. We recommend buying ready-made blue fertilizers in liquid form.


With a compost In the natural garden, the ecological plus side is full to the brim. Garden and kitchen waste is transformed into a dark brown organic fertilizer that smells of forest soil for all ornamental and vegetable plants. Balcony gardeners lay one Worm farm at, engage hardworking Compost worms and in this way produce rich compost fertilizer for a very healthy snack garden in buckets and boxes.