This is the best way to protect wounds

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Wound closure agent yes or no?

In order to counter this danger, it is advisable to coat them with a wound closure agent. However, the experts do not agree on whether it makes sense to use it: Some hold it Tree wax(€ 18.62 at Amazon *) & Co. make a lot of sense, the others cite studies that even trees treated with wound closure agents are more susceptible to penetration Fungi and bacteria cite. Depending on the weather, the paint would burst or even the bark could be peeled off. Experience has shown that you should actually leave smaller wounds dry and otherwise alone - this is where the tree can use its own wound healing power. However, larger open wound areas require treatment in order to support the self-healing powers. The funds can also be used in the case of cuts in a winter pruning and chipped bark.

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  • Store the tree trunk properly and dry it
  • Liming the tree trunk and protecting it from diseases
  • Recognize typical diseases on the tree trunk

How to properly apply the wound closure agent

As a wound closure agent, you can, for example Tree wax use, but also Lac Balsam or a resin-wax mixture. Only use agents with the seal of approval from the Federal Biological Institute. You apply this as follows:

  • Carefully clean the wound from dirt, etc.
  • Cut as straight a surface as possible.
  • Use sharp and freshly infected tools.
  • Otherwise you will carry germs into the wound yourself.
  • Do not coat the entire wound with the wound closure.
  • It is usually sufficient to only treat the edge.

When doing this work, pay attention to cleanliness and hygiene. If possible, wear disposable gloves and do not put your bare fingers into the wound.


After a winter storm in particular, there can be severe breakage, in which the tree can basically no longer be saved. However, you don't have to dispose, but - after appropriate treatment - continue to use it for various construction projects.