Woodruff Bloom »Features & Interesting Facts

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The woodruff as a flower in the garden

As a garden plant, the woodruff falls due to its low level Height and because of it Type of propagation via root runners in the category of ground cover. However, the right location is necessary for it to thrive. Woodruff grows very well in shady to partially shaded areas in the garden, which can also be covered by deciduous trees. But this is practical in so far as only a few flowering plants can bloom in total shade as well as the woodruff. Besides, the woodruff is with his Heyday from April to May or June next lily of the valley and wild garlic, one of the first plants to loosen up the green in the garden with delicate white flowers after the snow cover has melted.

also read

  • When is the heyday of woodruff?
  • Woodruff himself propagate and harvest
  • Plant woodruff properly in the garden

The use of the flower as a flavoring and natural medicine

For use as an aromatic medicinal herb, the flowering plant is in the spring harvested. It is good if you have the cut woodruff on a good for a night before further processing Let it wither slightly in a ventilated place, as the aroma in the flowers and stems will then once again be felt increases. It can then be scalded with hot water to make products like the following:

  • Medicinal teas
  • May punch
  • Woodruff lemonade

However, you should only scald the woodruff and not let it steep in hot water, otherwise its dosage will accumulate too much in the water.

Tips & Tricks

Since woodruff contains a certain amount of the active ingredient coumarin, it should not be consumed too regularly and should be used for children's lemonades. The coumarin can alleviate headaches in light doses, but these can also arise in the event of an overdose. In addition, liver damage is possible with excessive consumption.