A guide from A to Z

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For what purpose is Ysander suitable?

Dickmännchen is a perennial, evergreen perennial that thrives particularly well in shady areas and even under trees. It is often planted in gardens and parks to cover the ground and make shady areas easier to care for.

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The ground cover is also planted in front gardens and on graves.

Ysander is poisonous and therefore does not belong in gardens with small children and pets.

Which location is ideal?

Ysander needs a shady to partially shaded location. You can even plant it under deciduous trees where nothing else will grow.

Fat men don't like sunny locations. The leaves then turn yellow and the plant becomes ailing more easily.

  • Shady to partially shaded location
  • preferably not sunny
  • loose soil
  • slightly moist location but without waterlogging
  • moderately nutritious substrate

What should the soil be like?

Above all, the ground shouldn't be too heavy. Fat men do not tolerate waterlogging at all. Loosen the soil well beforehand and provide good drainage in the case of clay soils.

Before planting, you should top the soil with some ripe compost or Horn shavings(€ 32.93 at Amazon *) to enhance.

When is the best time to plant?

Plant fat males either in spring or autumn.

Which plant spacing is ideal?

A planting distance of 30 centimeters is sufficient. The gardener reckons between nine and twelve plants per square meter.

How is fat man reproduced?

the Multiplication takes place via runners, which the perennial forms. But it can also be increased by dividing the roots.

When does fat man bloom?

The perennial produces very inconspicuous flowers that bloom in April. However, it is not planted because of the flowers, but because of the ground cover spread.

Does Ysander get along with other plants?

Since fat males spread quickly, smaller plants nearby have little chance of survival. In contrast, the perennial gets along well with deciduous trees and ornamental trees.


For slopes is Pachysandra terminalis only suitable to a limited extent. The main problem here is the supply of moisture. In higher places, the soil dries out too quickly, while waterlogging forms further down.

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