Convertible roses on the balcony

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The optimal location

The home of the pretty small shrub are the temperate zones of South America. Accordingly, you should use the Convertible rose a warm and protected place on the balcony. Full sun is ideal, but the plant also thrives in a partially shaded place. In the shade, on the other hand, the plant takes care and sets significantly fewer flowers.

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Substrate choice

The optimal potting soil is loose and rich in nutrients. Flowering plant soil or potted plant soil, for example, is very suitable. Alternatively, you can Topsoil Mix with ripe compost and loosen coconut fiber, sand or Cactus soil subdivide.

Since the convertible rose reacts very sensitively to waterlogging, it is advisable to put potsherds over the drainage holes of the planter and cover them with a drainage layer Expanded clay(€ 16.35 at Amazon *) to fill in.

Watering and fertilizing

The root ball of the convertible rose should never dry out completely. Water whenever the top inches of the soil feel dry. At the same time, waterlogging must be avoided. Therefore, pour away excess water that collects in the coaster after 15 minutes at the latest.

fertilized until the onset of flowering every four weeks. After that, you should provide the plant with a liquid fertilizer for flowering plants every two weeks. The last fertilizer application takes place at the end of August.

Cutting the convertible rose

For abundant flowering, it is important to regularly dispose of everything that has withered. Even sparsely growing shoots are shortened on this occasion so that the convertible rose retains its original shape as a small bush or High trunk retains.

Depending on whether you use the plant in the living room, a cold room or a dim basement overwinter this will be cut back in autumn. As a result, it slides into hibernation and sprouts all the more vigorously next spring.

Pests and diseases

As robust as the convertible rose is, from time to time it can happen that harmful insects like that Spider mites, white flies or aphids attack the plant. Check the crop regularly, because the sooner you spot the small animals, the easier it is to control them.


Since the convertible rose to the Poisonous plants it should only be cultivated where it is ensured that no children or pets accidentally nibble on the plant. Always wear gloves when cutting, as contact with the clippings can cause skin irritation.