Boxwood gets yellow leaves

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Lack of water

Buchs has a fairly high water requirement and comes with longer dryness not right. Therefore, in hot and dry phases, make sure that specimens planted in the garden are also regularly closed to water. Is the Boxwood against it in the pot, he needs some liquid from time to time, even in winter. So don't forget to water the potted plants that overwinter on the balcony or terrace on frost-free days! Box trees standing in sunny, warm and sheltered locations are particularly at risk for drought damage.

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As little as the Buchs likes drought, it is even less able to cope with excess moisture and especially with waterlogging. Prevent this by providing both garden and potted specimens with good drainage. Of the Garden soil should be loose, permeable and humane. In addition, do not water the book excessively and "by feeling", but check the necessity with a simple finger test: Is the substrate or If the soil is dry at a depth of a few centimeters, then fresh water is necessary.

Mulching The floor, roughly with Bark mulchso that the moisture is retained longer and does not evaporate.

Nutritional deficiency

The book has a great appetite and is therefore on a regular basis care instructed with a balanced nutrient cocktail. Ripe compost that is best used together with Horn shavings(€ 32.93 at Amazon *) and Primary rock meal administered in April and June. Also a Slow release fertilizer (if possible box tree fertilizer or Green plant fertilizer) does a good job here.


Another reason for yellow leaves on the boxwood can be damage to the roots, which can be caused by pests living in the ground such as voles, buxos, etc. be.

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