How to interpret it correctly

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What are pointer plants actually?

Botanists and gardeners refer to plants with a low tolerance to light, temperature and soil conditions as pointer plants. Often these plant species have a very close connection to special site qualities and only settle there. Even with minimal changes, they withdraw again. This property can be used to obtain important information about the soil structure without commissioning a soil analysis.

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How to use moss as an indicator in the garden

as rootless spore plant As a pointer plant, moss provides useful information about local site conditions:

  • Acid pH below 5.5
  • Lean or stony subsoil
  • Light-poor, shady location
  • Cool temperatures paired with high humidity
  • Permanently moist to waterlogged soil

Moss in the lawn is consequently due to a too acidic, compacted and wet soil. Conversely, this means that you will usually not find mosses in nutrient-rich, dry and sunny locations. That applies at least to Central European regions. In countries with a sunny, dry climate, the survivors have adapted. The deciduous moss species Syntrichia caninervis knows how to assert itself in deserts.

Species with more specific references

In case you Moss species closer determine further information can be gathered from the presence of individual species. Floor moss (Hylocomium splendens), red stem moss (Pleurozium schreberi) and large crown moss (Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus) mainly thrive in coniferous forests. The Gleichbüchsenmoos (Isothecium alopecuroides) even exclusively chooses fir forests with acidic soil as a location.

Peat moss (Sphagnum ssp) act as acid and moisture indicators at all altitudes. In contrast, Starknervenmoos (Cratoneuron commutatum) acts as a wetness and base indicator.


About mosses in the garden to settle, use their function as a pointer plant with the opposite sign. To choose the ideal location, choose a location with the framework conditions that moss indicates as an indicator. Then you can be sure that the velvety green carpet you have hoped for will develop in next to no time.