"Revive" with warm water

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Why the Rose of Jericho can be "revived"

In their home countries, the inconspicuous rose of Jericho blooms in the months of March to April, after which numerous Pods with 1.5 millimeter tiny seeds train in it. In order to protect these seeds from the hot desert sun and thus from drying out, the dying plant curls up - and unfolds again as soon as it rains. However, this is not a real "resurrection", but only a physical process.

"Revive" dried up desert rose

You can reproduce this “revival” at home by placing the well-dried plant in a bowl of cold water. With warm or hot water, the leaves unfold much faster, but you will damage the Jerichorose. As a result, the "resuscitation" cannot be repeated indefinitely (as with cold water), instead, only a few times.


Do not leave the rose of Jericho in the water for more than a week, otherwise it will go moldy. Then dry it well again and let it rest for at least three months.