Interesting facts about flowering and flowering time

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Flower description

The loquat develops numerous individual flowers, which crowd close together in an inflorescence. The flowers are hermaphroditic and have five petals. They are colored white and are fringed by the five outer sepals that appear green. The flower size is between five and ten millimeters. The inflorescence appears in a panicle-like shape and forms the end of the branches. These panicles can be up to ten centimeters wide.

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The flowers emanate a scent that is reminiscent of the hawthorn blossom aroma. They produce a sweet nectar that provides food for wild bees and butterflies. The insects are frequent visitors to the flowers in warm temperatures in summer. Through their alternating visits, they ensure the pollination of the flowers.

Development of the flowers

The flower buds are formed in autumn, before the winter dormancy begins. After the plant has developed its leaves in the following spring, it uses the sun's energy for further growth. The flower buds begin to unfold in May. Adequate nutrients in the substrate are a prerequisite for lush flower development. The flowering period ends in June. If the conditions are favorable, the plant will bloom into July.

Restricted flowering

Diseases and pests affect the plant. Diseased and weakened bushes cannot develop their flowers. The buds dry out and die, causing the plant to stop blooming that year. In addition to the diseases, other factors play a role if the plant no longer blooms.

These aspects influence the development of flowers:

  • Choice of location
  • Maintenance measures
  • Nutrient supply