The herb makes these demands

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The most important location criteria at a glance

The tropical one origin it already indicates that basil has a high need for sunlight. In addition, Königskraut is surprisingly one of the strong eaters, which is an exception for herbal plants. This is how a location should be:

  • sunny location with at least 6 hours of sunshine in summer
  • warm and without cold drafts
  • preferably protected from splashing rain
  • deep, well-drained Earth
  • rich in nutrients and well equipped with humus
  • A pH value of 6.5 to 7.5 is ideal

also read

  • Fertilize basil properly for best growth and full aroma
  • What should the soil be like for basil?
  • Under what conditions can basil overwinter?

Regardless of the preference for plenty of sun and warmth, basil should be in the pot not be exposed to the accumulating heat of a reflective south wall. A place surrounded by air is advantageous so that raindrops dry more quickly.

So take into account the crop rotation

Like many other crops, basil is incompatible with itself. It is therefore advisable to move the annual herb plant to a different location every year

plants. Other herbs such as thyme, dill, marjoram, lemon balm or savory should not be planted there, as these do not go well with royal herb.

Cucumbers are well suited candidates for mixed cultivation, because they are what makes the royal herb mildew remote.

Tips & Tricks

Basil is an excellent companion for tomatoes. The intense scent, characterized by the essential oils, keeps cunning pests away. At the same time, the royal herb can enjoy rain protection through the tomato roof. As long as the mighty tomatoes of the herb plant do not rob the sunlight, it is an exemplary win-win constellation.