The most important information about the variety

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Originally the white mulberry was introduced to Germany by Friedrich I for the breeding of the silkworm. When silk production, which admittedly never reached a large scale, came to a complete standstill, the mulberry trees were no longer needed and were increasingly forgotten. Occasionally you can still find individual trees on old avenues that are reminiscent of earlier times.

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  • An exotic becomes home - the mulberry
  • On the rise - the red mulberry
  • The sensitive one - the black mulberry

The appearance of the white mulberry trees

Today you can find the white mulberry in Germany mostly in parks. But it can also be grown well as a hedge. With its variable leaf shape it is very decorative. The different leaves, lobed and unlapped, with a round or heart-shaped base, can even all appear on the same tree. Mostly they are egg-shaped and pointed and serrated on the edge.

The bark of the white mulberry changes over the years. On the thin straight branches, the bark is initially finely hairy. The bark of the white mulberry is initially matt gray-green to reddish-brown. It turns dark orange-brown on older trees. The crown of the white mulberry is rather narrow and high.

Sweet and juicy

The whitish to light purple fruits are very sweet and juicy. They are particularly suitable for consumption straight from the tree. Because the fruits are sweeter than the red or Black mulberry, this variety is often particularly popular with children.

The juice of the white mulberry can be used to make delicious syrup, which is ideal as a spread. In Anatolia, this syrup is also used as a remedy for various minor ailments. Dried The mulberry can be used in a similar way to raisins, for example in the morning muesli or for baking cakes.

Mulberry Health Benefits:

  • anti-inflammatory
  • antibacterial
  • strengthens the circulation
  • Anti-aging agents
  • strengthens the immune system

Tips & Tricks

The white mulberry is suitable both as a useful and as an ornamental plant for your garden. If you choose the right variety, you can also make a beautiful and extraordinary one with it Privacy hedge plant that, moreover easy-care is.