Here's how to do it right

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Select the location for the rose arch and set it up

A rose arch is supposed to fulfill certain functions, primarily to structure the garden and optically divide it into different rooms. Such a scaffolding is wonderfully suitable as an entrance or passage, for example into the garden or as a step into another part of the garden (for example from the utility garden to the ornamental garden). If the rose arch is actually to be planted with roses, you have to especially open it the right location Pay attention - otherwise your roses will not feel well and will not grow over the framework as desired. When setting up the Rose arch anchored in the ground which can be done, for example, by setting it in concrete. Sink the concrete layer deep enough to be able to pack another layer of soil over it.

also read

  • Build a rose arch yourself
  • Support roses - but do it right
  • How to tie roses properly - techniques and materials

You can not only plant climbing roses: design rose arches

Naturally, a rose arch is perfect for that

Planted with climbing roses. As it is at Climbing roses but basically only shrub roses with longer shoots, you can also use many taller shrub roses for planting a rose arch. Are these drawn accordingly, i. H. their shoots stabilized by a tie and pulled up, so they reach quite considerable heights. These roses go wonderfully with Clematis or honeysuckle combine.

Planting rose arches: that's how it works

If the rose arch is firmly anchored in the ground, you can now plant it. This is best done in autumn so that the plants can grow until spring.

  • To do this, first carefully dig up the soil at the planting site and loosen it.
  • You should not plant the roses as deep-rooted directly on the concrete layer,
  • but leave an appropriate distance of at least 50 centimeters to the plant frame.
  • This also leaves enough space for the roots growing in width.
  • Plant a rose bush on each side of the rose arch
  • and direct its shoots to the climbing frame.
  • Tie the shoots with soft but durable materials firmly.
  • Bast, but also coated metal wires are suitable for this.
  • The growing shoots are tied to the side of the trellis,
  • not rising straight up.


The roses that border the rose arch should be cut so that they get the desired growth shape.