So they bloom again every year

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Plan after flowering

After flowering is before flowering. Because as soon as the flowers wilt, it is high time to think about the upcoming gardening season. Should bulbous plants bloom again? And if so, where should the “new” flower bulbs come from?

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  • Bulbs in the apartment - how they will bloom for sure
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Of course, you can buy and plant new flower bulbs in stores in autumn or spring. But old onions can also be reused. That saves a lot of money. The vast majority of varieties even offer consistent flowering performance over the years.

Recharge your batteries

If you have decided to reuse, the onions should recharge their batteries as much as possible and collect nutrients before winter. You can help them:

  • leave all the foliage on until it has wilted
  • meanwhile, its nutrients are stored in the onion
  • Prevent energy-consuming seed formation
  • Cut off dead flowers as soon as possible
  • However, let the stems stand until they dry out


Bulb plants that you want to use again in the following year should be kept from spring until they bloom fertilizeto replenish nutrient consumption.

Dig up flower bulbs

Bulbs such as begonias and blooming in summer Dahlias do not originate with us, so they can tolerate small frosts. If you leave them outside, they'll get soggy and rotten. In order to use them again, you have to have them in the fall dig out.

Spring bloomers are hardy and can stay outside. Their reuse runs automatically, so to speak. But they can also be dug up if, for example, damage is caused to them Voles threaten, or they should bloom in other places in the next year.

Bulbs that are in the pot can be put in the basement with the pot and soil overwintered will. Alternatively, spring bloomers can also be grown outside. But then the pot must be covered with protective fleece.

Store flower bulbs

Excavated flower bulbs must first be freed from earth residues and then dried. Then they are stored in a cool, dark and dry place. Store them in airy nets or wooden boxes.

When and which flower bulbs are planted again, depends on the variety. Frost-sensitive summer bloomers, for example, are only allowed outside after the ice saints. However, you are allowed to leave the winter quarters weeks in advance and in the house drive forward.


Before storing, sort out the damaged onions so that the rot does not spread to healthy onions.