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Rinse red cabbage thoroughly

Opinions are divided about whether the very dense vegetables have to be washed or not. However, as soil residue and lodgers could have collected between the cabbage leaves, it is advisable to clean the leaves at least briefly under running water.

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Even if you are pregnant, you should wash red cabbage carefully. This is the only way to ensure that dangerous listeria or toxoplasma are washed off the leaves.

  1. Quarter the red cabbage.
  2. Rinse the parts thoroughly under running water. This way all layers will be clean.

Alternatively, you can proceed as follows:

  1. Put the red cabbage cut into strips in a colander.
  2. Shower the vegetables over them, washing off any dirt.
  3. Shake off or spin dry in a salad spinner.

Prepare red cabbage

First of all, the red cabbage must first be prepared so that the head can be washed and cut up:

  1. Using a large knife, divide the cabbage in two.
  2. Remove the outer, unsightly leaves.
  3. Quarter the red cabbage.
  4. Now cut out the stalk. To do this, guide the knife at a slight angle.

Usually the cabbage is cut into fine strips. Depending on how long you want it to be, divide the quarters again.


When shopping, make sure that the interface of the red cabbage is as light as possible and has no dark spots. So you can be relatively sure that the cabbage is crisp and fresh on the inside too.