Watering, fertilizing, cutting and more

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How are forget-me-nots poured?

  • Never let the soil dry out completely
  • water regularly
  • Let the top soil layer dry off before watering
  • Avoid waterlogging
  • Forget-me-not always pour from below

Forget-me-nots prefer a moist soil. You should therefore water more frequently in hot summer months. Let the surface of the earth dry first before reaching for the watering can. Avoid waterlogging by all means.

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  • Forget-me-not dragging on the balcony
  • In which location does the forget-me-not feel at home?
  • Maintain forget-me-nots in the pot or bucket

If you pull forget-me-nots in the bucket, make sure that excess irrigation water can drain off. Water more often as the earth in the pot dries out faster.

Forget-me-nots are prone to fungal diseases like real ones mildew or gray mold. Always water the plants from below to prevent fungal infestation.

Do forget-me-nots need fertilizer?

The spring flowers like a nutrient-rich soil. Still, it isn't necessary to plant the plants fertilize. On the contrary, fertilizers increase the risk of fungal infections.

Do forget-me-nots have to be cut?

Perennial forget-me-nots grow in autumn cutso that the plant becomes nice and bushy.

If you want to prevent the forget-me-not from sowing itself, cut faded Inflorescences right before themselves Seeds can form.

If self-sowing is desired, leave the dead flowers to stand. But you can also cut them off and shake them out at a suitable location in order to plant new forget-me-not plants there.

Which diseases and pests can occur?

  • Aphids
  • Spider mites
  • Gray mold
  • Powdery mildew

Young shoots in particular quickly fall victim to aphids, and less often too Spider mites. You can fight a slight infestation with soapy water or hosing down with nettle stock. If the infestation is severe, you should remove the affected plants completely so that the pests cannot spread any further.

Fungal diseases such as gray mold and powdery mildew usually occur when the humidity is too high, for example in very humid summers. Fighting fungal diseases is very difficult. Try diluted fresh milk that you sprinkle over the plants. Most of the time, the only thing left is to pull out the plants and dispose of them in the household waste.

To prevent fungal infestation, it is best to water forget-me-nots in the morning, as the wind reduces the humidity during the day.

Are forget-me-nots hardy?

The forget-me-nots grown in the garden are descended from the native forget-me-not species and are therefore used to the cold. A Winter protection is only necessary if you did not plant the plants until late in the fall.

Plant forget-me-nots as early as possible in the year. The spring bloomers then have enough time to prepare for the cold season.


The roots of the forget-me-not tolerate salt, for example road salt, poorly. This is another reason why it is important that you water regularly to avoid any possible Dilute residues.