Pruning the vinegar tree »This is how the perfect pruning succeeds

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Do vinegar trees need to be pruned?

Vinegar trees grow as multi-stemmed shrubs with a broad crown. In nature, the trees reach heights of between three and five meters. Under favorable conditions, they can reach heights of between seven and ten meters. The vinegar tree does not need a pruning. This maintenance measure ensures that the bushes sprout uncontrollably. It is not uncommon for vinegar trees to develop up to three new shoots at the interfaces.

also read

  • Proper care for the vinegar tree
  • Planting a vinegar tree in the open ground - tips and tricks
  • Can the vinegar tree be cultivated in a bucket?

When to make a cut

A cut is recommended for small crown corrections. Radical pruning measures may be necessary if the shrub grows too tall or too wide. Conservation pruning makes sense if the bushy shrub in the crown is balding. This development is normal, as the dense growth prevents the sun from penetrating and favors poor ventilation of the crown.

Vinegar trees have an urge to develop root runners, mainly on sandy soils, which often sprout up to ten meters from the main trunk. To prevent uncontrolled spreading, you have to cut the runners regularly. Cutting back close to the ground promotes runners. Make this radical cut only if the old tree is growing too tall and needs to be removed. The runners are ideal for rejuvenation.

The ideal time

Wait until autumn to do an intensive pruning. The ideal time has come when the shrub has completed its growing season. That is the case as soon as the leaves have fallen off. Alternatively, you can prune the vinegar tree in spring before new shoots begin. You can cut individual branches and root shoots during the entire growing season.

Tips on the right cut

Make sure to cut as few branches as possible. Cut branches at least three to five millimeters above a sleeping one eye away. The vinegar tree later sprouts in these places. the Loppers is applied at a slight angle. Seal large interfaces with Tree wax,(€ 18.62 at Amazon *) to prevent infection. Vinegar trees produce milky sap, which escapes from the interfaces and can lead to skin irritations. Therefore wear gloves.

How to cut properly:

  • Thinning out bushy shrubs generously
  • Let branches stand 20 centimeters apart
  • cut intersecting branches
  • Remove stunted and dry branches

The straight, long-growing branches are known as water shoots. They can be capped all year round. Cut these shoots as deep as possible. If the vinegar tree develops new water saplings, only consistent pruning will help. Remove shoots that develop on the tree grates. If you are growing your vinegar tree in the bucket, you can keep it in check with regular pruning.