Katharina, author on Plantopedia

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Seeds are not always able to germinate directly, but require certain stimuli in order to germinate. So-called cold resp. Frost germs need ...

ripe apples on the tree

The apple was and is the German favorite fruit. And this is unlikely to change in the future either. Even though ...

Kaki, Sharon or Persimon

The persimmon is one of the exotic fruits that are in season here, especially in the winter months. It identifies itself ...

The aroma of garlic is in great demand in the kitchen. Because it enriches the taste of many dishes, especially in ...

Are ear peasants dangerous?

The little brown beetles have been of interest to mankind for centuries. Ear pince-nez (Dermaptera) see with their little pincers ...

Hokkaido gets green marks

The Hokkaido pumpkin (Curcurbita maxima 'Red Kuri') is an absolute classic in autumn. For several years it has been the most popular ...

Fargesia murielae, umbrella bamboo, Muriel bamboo

The bamboo, which comes from Asia, is not only very popular with panda bears, but also a versatile design element in the garden: ...

Winter hardiness zones

Plants need certain temperatures to survive. While in summer numerous plants do not cope with the hot ...

If your nose rushes or your eyes water in your own four walls, then think ...

Create a bee-friendly garden

A bee-friendly garden offers experiences for all the senses. Bees are delighted by bright colors and sweet smells ...

Grass trimmer with line

If you call a lawn your own, you want it to be as good as possible on the one hand, but also with as ...

Corokia cotoneaster

The zigzag bush from New Zealand enchants with its somewhat idiosyncratic growth. The branches are slightly angled and change when ...

edible pumpkins

We are familiar with some types of pumpkin. We often plant them in our own garden or meet them in the supermarket. ...

Sometimes ants appear out of nowhere. They wander across the garden or even get into our home. ...

Those who own house plants tend to cherish and care for them with enthusiasm and the desire to find them ...

Eat pumpkins with peel

Autumn is considered the pumpkin season. Different types and types of pumpkin are grown that have different flavors and uses ...

Orchids in the bedroom

There are myths among plant lovers that cannot be eradicated. These myths include the claim that plants ...

Red clover, Trifolium pratense

The pink, spherical inflorescences of the red clover (Trifolium pratense), also known as meadow clover, are between the months of May ...

Mowing the lawn on a dry day

If you have laid out a lawn behind or in front of your house, you want it to be tidy at all times ...

Autumn time is pumpkin time. The Hokkaido pumpkin is one of the most popular edible pumpkins in this country. Because he's not just ...

Catch dormouse

When a dormouse moves into the house, it can be the start of a nerve-wracking period. Most of the time the animal nests ...

Blowflies in the apartment

Blowflies prefer to lay their eggs in carcasses or in rotten foods. Do you suddenly step ...

Harvest walnuts, tree nuts

If there is an older walnut tree in the garden, 25 to 55 kilograms of walnuts are quickly produced when harvesting in a good location. ...

Thuja as a hedge

Hedges are not only natural, but also visually create a very nice wind and privacy screen. In a short time ...

Small mosquitos in the house

Bugs in the apartment are a nuisance. In summer and autumn, mosquitoes in particular kill us ...

Exceptional houseplants

Each plant is beautiful in its own way. But most houseplants are so familiar to us that our ...

Thuja varieties

The larger the market supply, the more difficult it is for us to make a decision. Which thuja is for our project ...

Epsom salt fertilizer

Epsom salt - a colorless, odorless and water-soluble mineral is known for its various uses. It is used ...

Fight thrips

Thrips (Thysanoptera) or more popularly known as thunderstorm animals, flies and worms, comprise over 200 different species. It gets warm and humid ...

House plants for allergy sufferers

If surveys and statistics are to be believed, every third citizen in Germany suffers from an allergy. Widespread are before ...

Open the pine cones

Just before Christmas, the shelves are full of pine cones. Even in the supermarket, the woody fruits cavort between ...

Slope reinforcement

If your own property is not straight, you can use a slope reinforcement for steep places that can be easily removed. ...

When do toads and frogs spawn?

Frogs and toads are among the farm animals in the open countryside and in the home garden. For the ...

Ear pince-nez, Dermaptera

For many people, ear pimples in the apartment are a real horror idea. However, the animals do not give panic ...

Butterfly bush, Buddleja davidii

The summer resp. Butterfly lilac, botanically Buddleja davidii, is extremely popular in this country because it has beautiful panicle blossoms in summer ...

Bananas are an exotic fruit and can be found in the wild, among other things, in tropical to ...

Growing Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage, also often known as Japanese, Peking or celery cabbage, as the name suggests, originally comes from Asia. ...

A saying goes: "Autumn time is heather time". While many plants are preparing for the coming winter dormancy in autumn, heather plants ...

Dormouse in the gutter

When dormice have settled in the roof, that's more than annoying. Because those in the technical language as Glis ...

Perennials are perennial, hardy and easy to care for plants and the basis of a beautiful garden. The range of flowering, ...

Numerous unloved guests cavort in the house and apartment. Some we don't even notice, others are useless ...

Ornamental pumpkins are an indispensable element of autumn decorations. But sooner or later the pretty ...

Sedum aizoon, perennial sedum plant

When most of the flowers have already taken in their blossoms, the fat hen takes care of them in white, yellow, red or pink ...

A grave planting is the last tribute to relatives, but the care of the graves is often difficult ...

Garden lime

Anyone who wants a well-tended lawn cannot avoid appropriate care. Especially the liming of the lawn ...

Are chrysanthemums hardy?

Chrysanthemums are among the most popular garden, balcony and container plants. Above all, the lush flowers make them ...

Growing pak choi

Pak Choi is widespread in Asia and is served with various wok dishes. In Central Europe, vegetables are increasingly gaining ...

Hardy sunflowers

The sunflower (Helianthus), which comes from North America, has its high season in late summer until the first frost. ...

Hardy fuchsias

Whether or not fuchsias are hardy often leads to discussions, because experiences are very different. No wonder, because ...

The garden classic has been cultivated for centuries. With their imposing flowers and eye-catching leaf color in autumn ...

Hibernate canna in a pot

The canna, also known as the Indian flower tube, is a beautiful ornamental plant for the garden. But unfortunately she is ...

hardy exotic species

It sounds tempting to cultivate exotic species in the garden all year round. Even with ice and snow, the plants spread a ...

A multitude of different animals cavort in our houses. Especially insects use the warmth and the good food supply ...

Keep hollyhocks in the bucket

Balcony gardeners cultivate hollyhocks in the tub in order to enjoy the romantic magic of flowers far away from the bed and cottage garden. ...

Hardy orchids

The beauty and elegance of an orchid, its extravagant flower shapes and colors cast a spell over every plant lover. Known ...

Hardy ground cover

Ground covers are an easy way to make parts of your garden look pretty. In this country, hardy ground cover is particularly recommended, which ...

Mallow are typical summer plants. You love the sun. In the warm season they transform with their flowers ...

Hardy olive trees

Olive trees are becoming increasingly popular in Germany because they conjure up a Mediterranean flair on balconies and in the garden. She ...

For many people, geraniums are part of the typical German garden design. Indeed, they are profuse ...

Recognize bed bug bites

You don't always bring nice souvenirs with you from your vacation, but occasionally also a bug or two. ...