What can it be and what should be done?

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Brown color in autumn

Although the waterweed is considered to be evergreen, it can be in winter in the pond change their color. Their shoots turn brown and sink to the bottom of the pond. The brown color is not a cause for concern, because the plant will sprout again in spring as soon as it gets lighter and the water temperature rises.

also read

  • Planting waterweed - this is how it's done!
  • Cutting waterweed - this slows down strong growth
  • A profile of the waterweed


So that the brown parts of the plant do not rot in the depth of the pond and impair the water quality, you should fish them out as soon as possible.

Natural variety of colors

The waterweed is typically deep green, but it also has a variety of colors. Usually it fluctuates between pale green and dark green. Occasionally it can also have reddish-brown leaves.

Unsuitable living conditions in the aquarium

The waterweed is considered a robust aquatic plant that hardly anything can stop its growth. If it turns brown entirely or only in places, there must be good reasons behind it. Even experienced aquarists do not agree on where to look first. Therefore, the following points are first questioned as possible triggers:

  • water that is too warm (over 26 ° C)
  • no constants Temperatures in all pelvic areas
  • too little light, possibly wrong color spectrum
  • Individual parts of the plant can also be in the shade

Since the waterweed drives out again quickly, corrections in these areas will quickly show whether the investigation into the cause was successful.

Deficiencies in the supply of nutrients

The larger the waterweed, the higher its nutritional requirements. If there is a lack of nutrients or if their composition is not ideal, brown leaves can also occur. A precise check must be carried out here in order to take targeted countermeasures if necessary.

Remove brown leaves and shoots

Remove all brown leaves and shoots from the aquarium as there will be no re-staining. If these are not only brown, but also muddy, they will soon affect the water quality.

It is enough if you have some small, healthy pieces of the Waterweed in the aquarium again plantso that more Multiplication can be done.

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