Recognize and treat fungal infestation

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Mushrooms at the Harlequin Willow

The harlequin willow is susceptible to two types of fungus:

  • rust
  • Willow Anthracnose

also read

  • Treat and prevent brown leaves on the harlequin pasture
  • Recognize and treat diseases at the harlequin pasture
  • How to plant a harlequin willow in a species-appropriate manner


  • Brown or black discoloration of the leaves
  • Leaf shedding
  • Wilted shoot tips

Note: If you recognize the symptoms mentioned on your harlequin pasture, it does not necessarily have to be a fungal attack. Numerous care mistakes produce similar symptoms. These include:

  • A wrong location, the harlequin willow needs a lot of light (regularly thinning out the crown).
  • Wrong pouring behavior, the substrate must never dry out completely. But waterlogging should not develop either.
  • Wrong Fertilizewho have favourited Harlequin Willow reacts to too much fertilizer with brown leaves. It is best to use only Mulch(€ 239.00 at Amazon *) or compost.


If it is actually a fungal infestation, you have to cut back the harlequin willow heavily. Feel free to shorten the tree to a few inches above the ground. It is better to remove more branches than too few. So you can be sure that the fungus has been completely eliminated. Your harlequin pasture will quickly recover from the radical cut.


Never dispose of clippings on the compost heap. This is where the fungus spreads and may return to the harlequin pasture or attack other plants in the area. Burning is the best way to destroy the fungus. Alternatively, you can stuff the infected branches into organic garbage bags and have the greens picked up.
Although fungicides are often recommended in the event of a fungal attack, they should only be used in an extreme emergency. Always keep in mind that chemistry harms both your harlequin pasture and the surrounding crops.

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