Cultivate basil for several years »This is how it works

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So you can enjoy a basil plant for several years

If you are aiming for a perennial cultivation of royal herb, we recommend planting it in pot. This form of cultivation offers the mobility required to relocate the herb plant to winter quarters. Alternatively, you can put the bucket in the ground in the garden so that it can be easily retrieved at the right time. This is how the wintering works:

  • if the temperature falls permanently below 10 degrees Celsius, basil moves
  • extensive pruning is not required
  • the winter quarters are sunny and warm, at 15 to 20 degrees Celsius
  • continue only to waterwhen the substrate surface is dry
  • organic and liquid at intervals of 4 to 6 weeks fertilize

also read

  • Under what conditions can basil overwinter?
  • How can Thai basil overwinter?
  • Fabulous types and varieties of basil for the hobby garden

The windowsill on the south side of the house is therefore an excellent location for perennial basil. A sun-drenched, heated winter garden is also an option. Under the stated conditions

to harvest You can keep fresh basil during the cold season, so you don't have to rely on preserving the aromatic flowers and leaves.

The best perennial basil varieties

So that the effort of wintering basil is worthwhile, the variety should be selected carefully. The following breeds are particularly recommended:

  • 'Wild pupur' (Ocimum canum x basilicum)
  • 'Garden basil' (Ocimum kilimandscharicum x basilicum)
  • Russian shrub basil 'Gorbachev' (Ocimum x basilicum 'Gorbachev')
  • 'African tree basil' (Ocimum gratissium x suave)
  • Green-leaved African basil 'African Green' (Ocimum kilimanscharicum basilicum)

The varieties of the trendy Thai basil are also suitable for perennial culture. Although the exotic herb plant comes from the warm regions of Asia, its leaves are remarkably stable.

Tips & Tricks

Perennial basil usually comes from a cross of different varieties. For single-variety propagation, this means that only the offspring are involved Cuttings can be considered. If you Gaining seeds for the sowing, it is a guessing game which attributes of the parent and grandparent plants will prevail here.