When is the best season?

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How to find the right time of year

Basically, spring and fall are the best times of the year to plant a tree. The only requirement is that the floor Frost free is.

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  • The garden in autumn: which trees should be cut now
  • Is it possible to plant trees even when there is frost?
  • Tiefwurzler: Which trees do they include?

Root system

Trees with three different root types are commercially available, all of which have an influence on the planting time.

  • Bare-rooted trees: have no soil at the roots
  • Trees with a root ball: have been dug up, earth clings to the roots and the root ball is often wrapped with linen or wire netting
  • Trees in a container: Plants are there from the start in the pot grown

In principle, you can plant container goods all year round, as these trees take root and continue to grow. Trees with a root ball, on the other hand, should ideally be planted in early autumn (between the end of August and the end of September) so that they grow in good time before winter. Bare-rooted goods, on the other hand, get into the ground between October and April.

Tree type

In addition to the root, the type of tree also decides when it is best to plant it. Deciduous trees are always planted when the leaves fall in autumn so that they can invest their energies in the formation of new roots. In the spring, on the other hand, such a tree needs too much energy to drive out new leaves. Evergreen trees on the other hand, depending on the type of root, you can plant them all year round.


In addition to the right time of year, you should also use the recommended ones Plant spacing retain. This also relates to the legally regulated intervals to Property line.