Watering, fertilizing, cutting and more

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How often should the morning glory be watered?

The respective casting interval depends on the Morning glory also depends on which one Location in the garden or on the balcony the fast climbing winch planted became. In midsummer, due to the large mass of leaves, it can happen that daily watering (also due to the drying out of the soil in the sunshine) may be necessary. However, you can increase the soil's storage capacity for moisture if you apply a thick layer of mulch from lawn clippings around the plant base.

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  • Plant the morning glory in suitable places in the garden
  • Select the optimal location for the morning glory
  • Plant the morning glory as a privacy screen and flower miracle on the balcony

What should be considered when transplanting the morning glory?

Morning glories have relatively sensitive roots, which is why direct sowing in pots for the garden is advisable Prefer in the house a possibility for a particularly smooth move to the field. When planting in a bed, the planting hole should be large enough to take up the entire ball of the soil in the nursery pot.

Can the morning glory be cut into shape?

The morning glory is well tolerated by pruning, but sprouting shoots can also simply be diverted in a different direction. In autumn, the plants can easily be torn up and composted.

What pests and diseases are the morning glory causing problems?

Meagerly growing morning glories are usually not infested with diseases, but suffer from care errors. While aphid colonies with a sharp jet of water from the Garden hose can be hosed down, you can use the Spider mites the so-called "red spider" by spraying them with a little cooking oil.

With what and how much should the morning glory be fertilized?

In a humus Garden soil morning glitters usually find enough nutrients for their growth, but the occasional application of fertilizer can visibly increase this. But pay attention to the following factors:

  • Over-fertilization encourages leaf growth and can reduce the number of flowers
  • the fertilizer should contain potassium if possible
  • water sufficiently with the addition of fertilizer

Can morning glories be overwintered?

Basically morning glories belong to the rather short-lived plants. Since they cannot tolerate frost, they would have to be cut back and overwintered in a pot indoors. This is worthwhile because of the simple Propagation from seeds and the rapid growth hardly.


When planting the morning glory you can easily put it at an angle in the ground plantto show her the way to the appropriate trellis or fence, so to speak.