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Harvest and prepare rosemary

Harvest either whole sprigs of rosemary or individual needles, using only healthy and undamaged parts of the plant. Wilted or dried up needles being deleted. The best Time for the harvest is the late morning or the lunchtime on a sunny day, as it is at this time that the plant contains the highest concentration of aromatic essential oils. Wash the rosemary under running water and then dab it carefully with a clean kitchen towel. The further preparation now depends on the chosen method of freezing: If you want to preserve the rosemary stalks whole, further preparation is not necessary. Otherwise you can pluck the needles off and shred them as desired, e.g. B. with scissors, a sharp knife, or a food processor. However, frozen rosemary that has not been crushed contains significantly more essential oils and therefore more flavor than crushed rosemary.

also read

  • For cooking and medicine: drying rosemary properly
  • Rosemary gets yellow needles - what to do?
  • Rosemary dried up - why is it?

Crush the frosted rosemary

Actually, you don't even need to bother to get the harvested rosemary before you do Needling and chopping freezing - this is much easier and much easier in the frozen state more quickly. To do this, simply pack the washed and dried rosemary sprigs in a freezer bag and then in the freezer compartment. The frozen needles can be easily stripped from the stem and crumbled.

Freeze the rosemary

Rosemary can be frozen as a whole sprig or even chopped up, whereby it should be used within about two months. The herb can last up to a year in a frozen state, but it loses a lot of its taste over time. Shredded (d. H. chopped) rosemary is great to mix with other herbs, such as thyme, oregano and parsley. Feel free to experiment a little and put together your own herbal mixtures. Crushed rosemary should be stored in freezer boxes, but you can use ice cube trays for easier portioning.

Make practical herb cubes yourself

In such ice cube trays, not only can ice cubes be made for drinks, but also also practical herb cubesthat you can use immediately for cooking. There are different methods of doing this: Fill either whole needles or chopped rosemary into such a container until it is about two-thirds full. You can fill up the rest with either water or a good olive oil. Here, too, you can mix any number of herbs to taste.

Tips & Tricks

You do not need to thaw the frozen rosemary again before using it again - give it Simply put it in the pot along with the other ingredients and prepare the dish as usual to.


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