Climbing rose on the balcony

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Many balcony plants feel particularly comfortable in sunny and sheltered locations - but not Climbing roses. Like almost every rose, these need a place that is as light as possible, but airy at the same time. The sensitive plant cannot tolerate full sun or excessive heat, which is why it is best to plant climbing roses on a balcony facing west or east.

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The lighter the location, the lighter the flower color you choose

As a rule of thumb, the following applies: For a sunny and thus hot balcony, you should choose climbing roses with the brightest possible flowers - white, cream, yellow or a light pink. Compared to the darker colors, these varieties are generally less sensitive to heat.

Climbing roses like cool feet

Precisely because roses are very sensitive to heat, you should provide their roots with sufficient cooling. For this purpose, you can line the planter with a special bubble wrap, which also has the effect

additional winter protection and if possible choose a pot made of a natural material such as terracotta or clay. From this the moisture can evaporate to the outside and thus has a cooling effect.

Planters should be as high as possible

Like all roses, climbing roses also develop a deep taproot, which is why the planter is used as high as possible - at least 50 centimeters, better more - and tapering downwards should.

The right fertilization for a rich flowering

Roses are real heavy consumers and must therefore be fertilized regularly, especially if they are cultivated in pots. Ideally, enrich the substrate with a good one when planting and each time you repot Slow release fertilizer and then supply the plant with a liquid every 14 days between April and July Rose fertilizer.(€ 11.51 at Amazon *)


If you are looking for suitable roses for the balcony box, we recommend rootless dwarf roses. These are not rooted too deeply and can therefore thrive well in confined spaces. However, you should not plant more than three specimens in a window box.

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