These prices are common

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The price is based on various aspects

How much a hornbeam costs depends on how the tree is delivered. The following criteria play a role:

  • Bare-rooted hornbeam
  • Hornbeam as a ball plant
  • Hornbeam in a container
  • size
  • Topiary
  • Purchase by mail order or on site

also read

  • What is the size of a hornbeam?
  • What height can a hornbeam reach?
  • What is the height of a columnar hornbeam?

Bare-root hornbeams are the cheapest. You must before plants be well watered.

The most expensive are hornbeams in containers. They are often already cut to size and are supplied as column hornbeam. If you want to plant a hornbeam in the garden as a single plant, you should accept the price of around 7 to 8 euros (as of August 2016).

Buy hornbeam for hedges

Hedge plants are usually offered in bundles of 10 or 50 pieces. They are between 40 and 70 centimeters high and are delivered in bales. The price per hornbeam is then between one and two euros. (As of August 2016).

Buy hornbeams by mail order or on site?

Hornbeams are very inexpensive to buy by mail order. However, this also has disadvantages. Often there are high shipping costs. You cannot inspect the trees before buying and have to rely on the description of the seller.

Mail order nurseries offer hornbeams at a slightly higher price. For this they often give a growth guarantee and replace trees that have not grown. Many of these providers advise their customers via forums or provide care instructions online.

The price for a hornbeam is highest in the local nursery. Here you have to put twice or three times as much on the table. In return, you get good advice from experienced professionals. If a tree does not grow, there is a replacement. Most nurseries will be happy to come to your home if you have any problems.


The cheapest way to get a hornbeam is to get it from seeds or Cuttings self multiply. It's even easier if you dig up an offshoot in the forest and plant it in the garden.