The most important information about the delicious berry

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Origin and classification of the chokeberry

The aronia berry originally comes from North America, where it was already cultivated by the local indigenous population. The berry was u. a. as a vitamin-rich energy donor dried for the winter. In the 1950s the shrub came to the Soviet Union, where it was refined and further bred in various ways. Originated in this way high-yielding and cold-resistant varietieswhich are now also grown in Germany. For some years now, there have also been more and more lovers in private life. It is a branching, deciduous shrub that can reach heights of between one and two meters. The black resp. red fruits are about the size of a blueberry but have the shape of a small apple. The aronia berry also has a core. The chokeberry belongs to the rose family and within it to the pome fruit family.

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  • Aronia loves a sunny location
  • How to dry aronia properly
  • Aronia - how to grow a beautiful, high-yielding hedge

Easy cultivation also in Germany

The aronia bush is quite undemanding and can be cultivated excellently even under the climatic conditions that are common in Germany. The plant is robust and hardy and can withstand temperatures down to - 30 ° C very well. It is a perennial, very productive shrub. A shrub can bear fruit for around 20 years. It grows almost everywhere, all too sandy or The soil should not be clayey. In addition, several shrubs - planted together - are ideal for formation

an opaque hedge. The fruits can be in the Months of August to September abundantly harvested and z. B. can be processed into compote, jam or juice.

Benefits of the healthy aronia berry

Due to the high proportion of healthy ingredients, the aronia berry is considered a remedy in many places. The berry contains many antioxidants that are also used in cancer therapy. The consumption of the berries is said to help regulate blood pressure, promote blood circulation, protect the heart and strengthen the immune system.

Variety of healthy ingredients

  • Aronia berries contain a lot of iron
  • they are also rich in flavonoids,
  • Folic acid
  • Vitamin K
  • and vitamin C.

Furthermore, the brightly colored berries can be used as a natural coloring agent, e.g. B. of clothing.

Tips & Tricks

You can use aronia juice like elderberry juice, especially in winter, and thus strengthen your immune system: Heat the juice slowly and carefully - do not boil! - and add honey depending on your taste.