When and how do you do it right?

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The right time to harvest

Goji berries bear on a sunny and warm Location usually as a three-year-old shrub for the first time with fruits. If a wolfberry bush does not bloom at all, then the plant is usually either too young or it is an offshoot of a poorly fruiting wild variety. After flowering, it takes around August or September until the orange-red bright fruits are ripe for harvest. In general, these should not be picked from the bush too early, so that the somewhat tart and sometimes bitter-tasting berries get at least a little sweetness. Goji berries ripening late should always be harvested before the first night frosts in autumn are to be expected.

also read

  • Goji berries: varieties for growing in the garden
  • The harvest time of the goji berries
  • The cultivation of goji berries in Germany

Care and pruning make harvest easier

The so-called wolfberry or devil's quarrel is not popular with all hobby gardeners due to its expansive growth form. Several specimens should definitely be kept at a sufficient distance from one another in the garden bed

planted and through barriers like one Rhizome barrier at an uncontrolled Multiplication be prevented. Goji berries should be used regularly cut back otherwise they tend to form very long, overhanging branches. The long shoots can also be tied up like blackberries and raspberries, which makes harvesting the ripe berries easier later.

Enjoy goji berries in different ways after harvesting

Goji berries can be consumed in different ways:

  • fresh from the bush
  • dried
  • frozen and processed into ice cream or smoothies
  • as juice
  • as an ingredient in bread, cakes, soups and sauces
  • mixed with cherries or other berries as an ingredient for jam

Goji berries should be picked carefully from the bush for fresh consumption. For reasons of appearance and shelf life, it can also make sense to pick the berries together with the green stem and only remove it when you eat it. You have to be less careful when the berries turn into juice anyway processed or dried will.


As a rule, not all goji berries on a bush ripen at the same time. You can therefore harvest these with a delay as soon as the respective fruits are perceived as sufficiently ripe based on their color and consistency.

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