How much frost can it take?

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The convertible rose is not winter hardy

In most cases, frost not only stops flowering, but also puts a lot of pressure on the small shrub. That's why this will Convertible rose mostly cultivated as a container plant in our region. If you have transplanted the plant into the flowerbed, you have to dig it up in good time and bring it into the house. Even temperatures below five degrees can mean the end of the plant.

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How do you hibernate?

You can use the convertible rose in the living room, in a cold, bright room and even in a darkened basement overwinter. It is only important that the temperature is constantly between five and ten degrees. Before the The small shrub is also cut back during winter.

The convertible rose can bald in its winter quarters

During the winter months, the cool standing rose, due to the changeover, loses most of its leaves. However, it willingly sprouts again in spring and quickly sets new flowers after greening.

Don't forget to pour

Even in winter quarters, the pot ball must be kept constantly moist. Whenever the top inches feel dry, pour moderately. Waterlogging or complete moisture penetration of the substrate should be avoided, as the plant is very prone to root rot.

When is the convertible rose allowed to go back into the wild?

You can only do this when there is no longer any threat of night frost Convertible roses back on the balcony or bring the terrace. It is essential that you slowly get the plant used to the changed conditions and do not place it in direct sunlight immediately. After about two weeks, the convertible rose has changed and is allowed to move to the final summer place.


During the wintering, the convertible rose is very susceptible to that Whitefly. You should therefore regularly check for infestation, as the tiny insects can damage the plant so much that it dies.