A selection of the 5 most beautiful

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The most beautiful slow growing trees for the garden

However, as a garden owner you shouldn't make the mistake of “growing slowly” with it "Staying small" confound. Often the opposite is the case: just because a tree grows only a few centimeters per year, it can still become very large with age. This rule also applies the other way round: The very fast growing Paulownie, for example, is only about ten meters high.

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Sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua)

The very slowly growing, deciduous one Sweetgum tree is between ten and 20 meters high with us. Due to its narrow, conical crown, there is still enough space in medium-sized gardens. This can be up to ten meters wide with age. The leaves turn into bright, bright colors early in autumn, ranging from purple-brown to deep red to orange and yellow. The tree is somewhat sensitive to frost when it is young.

Japanese maple (acer palmatum)

The popular Japanese maple, originally from East Asia, is often used as a solitaire near a pond, in Inner courtyards or planted in large planters or with ferns, grasses, bamboo and small trees combined. The very diverse species needs a sunny to light-shaded and sheltered location.

Norway maple (Acer platanoides)

The Norway maple native to us grows slowly but incessantly into a stately tree up to 30 meters high with a stately crown. The tree needs a sunny to partially shaded location and is also suitable for the urban climate.

European yew tree (Taxus baccata)

The European yew is probably one of the best-known and oldest conifers in Germany. The slow-growing, extremely long-lived tree can be used in many ways in the garden, for example as a cut hedge plant and topiary, for privacy or wind protection, in groups or as a solitaire.

Oak (Quercus)

There are numerous species of oak, some of which are also very suitable for small gardens. In contrast to many other large-crowned oaks, the Armenian oak (Quercus pontica), for example, only reaches a maximum height of six meters. The scarlet oak (Quercus coccinea) and the swamp oak (Quercus palustris) grow significantly higher with heights of up to 20 meters. The golden oak (Quercus robur), which only grows up to 15 meters high, is also considered to be of poor growth.


Furthermore, the tree hazel (Corylus colurna) is considered to grow slowly, but due to its size it is only suitable for large gardens and parks.