In different ways for your own cultivation

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Birch grow with seeds

As the first and simplest variant, the Birch their seeds to grow a young tree from it. You can take these from the elongated fruit stands of a freestanding birch tree between March and April or simply buy them in the garden center. The pioneer plants, which are already designed to be spread by wind, will multiply readily if you simply scatter the seeds loosely over a pot of soil. Then turn it over with your hands and wait. As soon as the young birch that sprouts out of it is about 15 to 20 centimeters tall, you can transplant the sapling into a larger pot or into the ground in the garden.

also read

  • Propagate birch - three ways to get your own birch
  • Pulling birch trees on the balcony - that's how birch trees thrive in pots
  • Growing a birch in a pot - that's how it works

Propagate tree from branch

  1. Cut off a strong branch tip from any birch tree. He should:
  2. be at least 4 to 8 inches long
  3. Bring solid wood at the bottom
  4. have multiple eyes in the lower area
  5. be green at the top
  6. Peel off the leaves from the bottom.
  7. At the top, remove larger leaves with scissors. Even the beginnings of flowers come away, because they cost unnecessarily strength.
  8. Put the cutting straight in a small pot.
  9. in the Penumbra set up and keep moist.
  10. As soon as the first roots protrude from the pot, you can transplant the small birch.

Plant offshoots

There are usually many tiny specimens next to a birch. As a third variant, you could dig up a small plant and plant it at home, as well as the young rooting plant from the branch propagation. Excavation is not a problem as the Birch a shallow root and you therefore do not have to go deeper than one to two meters into the earth. The best time for this is April. Choose a sapling early in the shoot and carefully prick out the root ball with a spatula. Simply put it in a prepared hole in the earth and water it at the place of determination.