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Sow winter jasmine

In the trade you can almost only get container plants in different sizes. If you want to sow the winter jasmine, then collect the seeds of your own plant as soon as they are ripe. Sprinkle the seeds in pots with Potting soil and keep it evenly moist.

also read

  • How to care for your winter jasmine - the best tips and tricks
  • How to plant your winter jasmine - the best tips
  • When is the best time to plant winter jasmine?

In the first winter, it is better to let your young plants overwinter in the greenhouse or in the unheated winter garden. Not until the following spring plants The now somewhat stronger winter jasmine in the desired sunny and sheltered places Location.

Propagate winter jasmine by cuttings

The winter jasmine is much easier to propagate by cuttings than by sowing. Cut To do this, take cuttings about 20 cm long from already lignified side shoots in the spring. You just put them in the ground. They form roots after a short time.

Propagate winter jasmine by lowering it

You can also easily grow new winter jasmine yourself using the sinker. Bend a shoot down to the ground and cover it a little with soil. By scratching the bark on the underside of the shoot, you will facilitate the formation of roots.

After a short time you will have a new plant that you can separate from the old one. In this way, the winter jasmine also reproduces independently, because as soon as its branches touch the ground, roots form there.

The essentials in brief:

  • Propagation is very easy, as roots develop more quickly
  • Cut cuttings about 20 cm long from already lignified shoots
  • If necessary, slightly scratch the countersink on the underside - facilitates the formation of roots
  • Sowing less advisable as seeds are difficult to obtain


If you would like to have more winter jasmine in your garden than before, then we recommend propagating using cuttings or cuttings. Both methods are very successful because the winter jasmine forms new roots very quickly.

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