Keep maple as a houseplant

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A bright, warm location is ideal

A window seat with mild sunshine in the morning or evening offers a room maple the perfect lighting conditions. In the blazing midday sun, however, flowers and leaves fade away. A location on the south side of the house should therefore have the option of shading.

also read

  • How does a maple bloom? - Information about the flowering period
  • Maple profile - interesting facts about the maple genus
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Abutilon species are not hardyso that their minimum temperature is 10 degrees Celsius. Pleasant temperatures of 19 to 24 degrees Celsius in summer and 12 to 15 degrees Celsius in winter find unreserved approval for Schönmalven.

Care only requires basic knowledge

Mallow is the ideal plant for beginners. As the following care tips show, the bar for a richly blooming indoor maple is not high:

  • Keep the substrate constantly slightly moist without waterlogging
  • Let the soil dry out between watering
  • Cut back all shoots by a third in March
  • After cutting back, repot in fresh substrate
  • Apply liquid fertilizer every 14 days from April to September

The conditions during the wintering determine whether the flower show continues or whether your indoor maple takes a winter break. In the dark location with temperatures of 10 to 12 degrees Celsius, the plant sheds its flowers and leaves. In a bright place near a window at 15 to 18 degrees Celsius, a mallow sees no reason to withdraw for the duration of winter.

Moisture meter shows watering requirement

Watering indoor plants correctly is a particular challenge in winter. Too wet is just as fatal as too dry. Long guesswork about the current watering needs of your room maple is a thing of the past when you stick a moisture meter into the substrate.


Lice don't care if they're imposing Maple tree or attacked a flowering indoor maple. Therefore, examine your garden maple and room maple equally for aphids. If you find out about the pests in good time, fight the plague with soapy water made from 1 liter of 50 milliliters of water Soft soap(€ 38.84 at Amazon *) and 1 teaspoon of alcohol.

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